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Aaron Proffitt

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Everything posted by Aaron Proffitt

  1. Very , very good of you mate.... Proud of you.
  2. Hell on dogs, hell on me, hell on crops... but have to go throught it to get to Fall. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=El+Reno&state=OK&site=OUN&lat=35.5445&lon=-97.9651
  3. In this day and age, we all kill for fun . To say it's for food is ridiculous.The meal is a result....but not the reason.
  4. Did anyone happen to glance at the TV score board when Nigeria and Germany were playing ? Don't think it was a World Cup game....it may have even been the women's pro league. Brother snapped a pic of it on his phone and sent it to me. They really shouldn't abbreviate with the first 3 letters of the country , with Nigeria in front.
  5. SGS the bloke on the second video looks like a serious risk to children under the age of consent. I knew somebody on here would like him ..... WOW! Are these the American gun owners that you say would beat the American military? The majority of our military personell own gun's either before or after their service... And I never said they would beat the American military . I said that the American Military would turn against any UN/NWO attempt to enforce gun confiscation or any other socialistic police action against Americans....The American soldier is formost a citizen
  6. And sometimes the tables turn.... http://www.ghost-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3727
  7. And I would venture to say that 100% of the Americans on this particular site agree with you...
  8. Hell, mate, can't even get me one.....
  9. Very, very good selection ,Snap.
  10. Having married an Appalachia girl...this song.
  11. I'd take a mt. lion every day of the month if I could....tastes almost exactly like pork.
  12. Hi Aaron Just out of interest what is a LEO. Is this your star sign or is it the initials of your job? We have FEO's as in Firearms Enquiry Officers so I'm guessing its something along them lines, just couldn't quite figure out what the L stood for. cheers Callum Sorry Callum, Law Enforcement Officer.
  13. Ric does every post you make have to come down to a latent hatred for anything US ? If you have that much of a problem with me and my countrymen just come out and say it. Obviously you wil cause you figure your protected by country and sea.But probably not if I were sitting across from you on a bar stool. Anyway, .the 5.56 is a fine round in some regards and not so in others. Certainly not my first choice when shooting animals whom I'd like to preserve their fur for market like fox, coyote, or bobcats . However , it can be handloaded to velocities and bullet combos that are great . Even mo
  14. About 20 years ago, myself and some friends were coon hunting late one night deep in the Ozark mountains. We drove thru a an old deserted logging camp and down a logging road deep into a hollow and turned the dogs out. Soon after we could hear that they were well into a good chase followed by 'tree' barks. We begin to make our way towards them . What follows is something I can't exactly explain but remember very vividly....as we were making our way down to our dogs I distinctly heard a horse blow. Sounded very near, so I quit walking and listened and looked .It was quite common for guy
  15. I agree....completely different context I am assuming.
  16. We would have no reason to go and poach in america as permision to hunt would be easey to get you can get prosecuted in this country for killing rats if permission has not being given would that happen in america i dont think so I do have to say...if I lived in the UK, well, it might be a very different story. You can't legislate instinct out of existence. Thats the point that rings true with me as i have hunted rabbits since i have been a small boy but have been prosecuted a number of times been beat up kidnapped and had 2 barrels of a 12 gauge emptied into to me just for hunti
  17. Not as close as you lads....but long enough to get a old of when wearing mittens. Those are Airedales. EDIT- I say not as close, but given the time I've spent around UK terriers I wouldn't know....I just know with one of mine I need enough room to haul 'em out of a beaver dam or coyote den in the Spring.
  18. Certainly....any chance of it being between Oct. and Feb. ? Hunting season ? You could crash here...unless you bring your dog shagging deer. I don't know that mine'll be ready...but we can link up with some other dog men in my area.
  19. Willing to put money on it ? Say, the cost of a plane ticket ? We'll keep it humble... And who would you like to Judge as dog performance is pretty subjective ?
  20. You should see what we do to thieves..... ....we elect them to higher office. Poachers= politicians ? Hmmmm
  21. We would have no reason to go and poach in america as permision to hunt would be easey to get you can get prosecuted in this country for killing rats if permission has not being given would that happen in america i dont think so I do have to say...if I lived in the UK, well, it might be a very different story. You can't legislate instinct out of existence.
  22. a true hunter pays f**k all for "sport" A true hunter gives back to the resources....if even just in tags and licences,taxes on sporting goods, etc... A poacher robs us ....
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