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Aaron Proffitt

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Everything posted by Aaron Proffitt

  1. Let's try that with the picture...lol What the hell ? Not my dog or the pic I posted.
  2. Have you lads got some decent stuff over there now? Iv only seen pictures of some of the coloured dogs you have over there and they all look saturated with bull blood. Is that the case or am I seeing pics of the same dogs all the time. Lol We're getting better . The colored dogs you've been seeing most likely do have a fair amount of bull blood in them . We can thank the hog guys for that . They wanted a bigger, stronger dog that was still small enough to bolt a pig from really thick cover . Result is what you see . Not my cup of tea , but whatever. That type doesn't fill the need that
  3. It's threads like this that remind me of how good we got it in the US in regards to working terriers . It's such a small niche that word travels fast if a guy is on the level and what he's running.
  4. .45 Colt wouldn't be deer legal in any case as wouldn't meet the minimum energy requirements in the UK - 1,700 ft lbs for most larger species (muntjac and water deer excepted at 1,000 ft lbs). The other calibres would but there's no sign of the government ever reversing the handgun ban. The UK as a whole has a very anti-gun culture. All guns are viewed as evil as are all gun owners. Tell someone you shoot wild life over here in an urban pub and you're as likely to get a punch in the mouth as anything else. The culture in Britain is very much one of the population as a whole wanting a total
  5. Two arrests involving firearms ? Good question how he kept his clearance
  6. Been doing a big push to acquire more and update my field revolvers . Have guns that can be used to gather small game for the fire while either switch up the load and go big for large game, ot simply swich out revolvers and get your bear or moose. Think I'll be able to bring over my .45 Colt, .454 or .475 Linebagh anytime soo7n ? Itd be a blast.
  7. The Edge is the only modern axe man that comes close to Jimi's ability to tell a story by cords and riffs since . Queens of the Stone Age come close ,though.
  8. Listen to 'All along the Watchtower ' followed by the ' Wind Cries Mary' and you will have no doubt how much taleent Jimi had had. He was head and shoulders above the others , he could tell a story using riffs only. Impressive.
  9. And its in a city that is presumably gun-free . Figure on that one.
  10. Maybe that's where I get hung up a bit ...where I'm from and across the South , 'sir' and ma'm are general niceties used in conversation.
  11. Somehow I figured it was informal like that...
  12. When I was a boy of about 13 or 14, we would have to take a civics class in school . One of the many topics in that class was how to address government officials . For example "The Honorable so and so..." if they were a Governor of a State or " Mr. or Madame Secretary" for those that occupy cabinet positions ie. Treasury , State, and so on. Do you guys have similar studies except specifically in regards to how to address members of the royal family ? Dukes , Lords, Ladies and what not ? Just curious...brought on by a discussion 'tween the wife and I.
  13. Btw, small scale stuff is very easy . As simple as grilling.
  14. Man o', I do a bit , but nothing on a large scale . However, I have an old chest freezer that I am going to convert to a smoker. I'll be sure to check in when that project begins.
  15. Do you guys do much smoking ? Hams, fish, poultry ?
  16. It can be done if one is willing to work at it ...read alot of really cool stories of people raising quite a bit of food in a small space.
  17. I think so...but then Airedales are still a working breed here. Your results may differ.
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