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Everything posted by jo54

  1. jo54

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    i have figured out what you are by just reading your postes on here please duckwing theres not alot of top quality duckwings about these days could shut us all up and show us some or not
  2. jo54

    more of

    this stag and many others have out side cages this stag i put up was at a friends for a while not long got him back on that picture this is him a month or so after back with me developing very quickly
  3. jo54

    more of

    well when it comes to these type of birds yer i do
  4. jo54

    more of

    these ant laying hens mate these are from fighting strain how can you free frange these kind of birds this is very young on here ant got hes cock head yet thats why hes pale mate Not hard to do right by your birds just takes a bit of time and effort thats all. But we all know certain types of people aren't in it for the long haul and don't like the work involved. To grow into a healthy fit adult bird they must have plenty of exercise and sun on there backs as youngsters FACT!!!!!!! [/quote
  5. pefected around livestock mate
  6. jo54

    more of

    these ant laying hens mate these are from fighting strain how can you free frange these kind of birds this is very young on here ant got hes cock head yet thats why hes pale mate
  7. hello lads this bitch is still here due to a a messa who was coming never turned up this bitch is 22 inch may be a touch more she runs the beam perfect takes rabbits out there sits jumps dont retrieve dont hear her in the kennal shes very good on the red ones and around dogs and cattle she about 24 months old now lads i wont £200 for her so if any one wonts to no more about the bitch call on 07775075927 she looks a little heavy in this photo as she wernt long fed northants area
  8. nice birds mate am in more to aseels shamo my self spot on

  9. aseel 6 months old
  10. lost this one doing hes job broke hes neck gutted
  11. very fast mate only 22 inch thow
  12. got to have bull in it all the way
  13. jo54


    maywheather and pack man should be fighting next if he takes the drug test whats your opinoin who will win my self i go with maywheather good boxer pack gets caught a lot but is more busy a than may what you reckon lads
  14. jo54


    last year stags of mine what you reckon
  15. jo54

    may weathers

    he did again who wotched it
  16. good post mate pic would help you run for her if she took things that bite back good luck mate with sale
  17. how da fuk is he ment to get then around from job to job???...the tools may have only been in the van 5 mins..nobody said he stores them in the van permenently.... HAVE you been on the CHARLIE CALM THE FFUCK DOWN MAN your got more chances winning the lottery mate getting your tools back unlucky mate but in another words do your rip and chill
  18. nice looking dog mate for nothink realy good look with sale
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