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dave a

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Everything posted by dave a

  1. i got my first terrier when i was 9,27 years ago,many girlfrends since then,i've learned if a woman cant or wont accept your hobby or in my case my way of life then time to move on,life is too short,dont waste it listenin to shite.
  2. if you got workers you must know one of the lads that has done it before sure they`d be glad to help you out. hi no dont know [NO TEXT TALK].just me and dad that goes out theres not any patterdales round here to be honest.i phoned a vet today they said got ring bk at 5:30 to get a price and confirm that the vet will do it but they want me dads firearms lience {which be honest is daft} way i see it if there working dogs and its the breed what is known for docking then there shouldnt be a problem crap it is...thanks chris pic of mum and pups Lovely collar and bright purple name tag on t
  3. dont know how to post pics yet sorry but dug about 8 or 9 feet in august to a bitch i bred,she stayed but her heart wasn't there,bred off great lines but she would have prefered to be at home to be honest.R.I.P.
  4. Anyone use springers for hunting foxes out for lurchers? I use em and find em very good.Any opinions?
  5. Countrymans weekly is absolute shite,i think its mainly bought by people who have no idea about dogs or hunting and need to get instructions from the various clowns who write in it.EDRD all the way!
  6. Cut em yourself,it'll take you a couple of minutes.
  7. Some good some bad,same as any cross,depends what they bred from and how they are brought on.
  8. Why not do it yourself and keep quiet about it.You will save yourself a lot of money and the last place 3 day old pups need to be is away from their mother in a vet surgery.
  9. March 17 Patricks day is when most finish up over here.
  10. Ivomec can be dodgy for some dogs the vet once told me.I did all my dogs with it one day[before i spoke to vet].One terrier bitch got a bad fit and wasn't right for a few days,havn't used it since.
  11. Most from one burrow? My most was four about seven or eight years ago.
  12. Ya taktic is very good,always use it
  13. B+F all the way,reliable and fairly accurate but never seem to break down.
  14. I keep dogs that would be called big by any standards.There is a lot of wheaten and english bull back along my lines.Many times i,ve seen a game big dog push on where a smaller dog pretends he can't go.Dont worry about size too much,heart is far more important in a working dog.
  15. Very few dogs could match a really good springer in heavy cover.I use barking springers to push foxes out for lurchers.
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