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dave a

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Everything posted by dave a

  1. he'll have to catch them before he can hug them,thats why he wants the advice
  2. no stagnent puddles over here with all the rain we get.
  3. don't think there is any need.if the dog is thirsty it can drink from a puddle,that'll do fine till you get home.
  4. i agree with most of your post dave,but i wouldnt run 2 as one may get the sharp end and you dont want it to be the young un, agood fox dog is a good fox dog right from the start,i think its best to hold a dog back abit untill you no it can hold its own, i agree and i would always hold back a dog until its ready and they would have seen foxes at digs before they run them on lamp.its just an old habit,i always ran a young dog with an older one for just its 1st or 2nd fox only but really no need i know.
  5. i never heard of a working one,they were tried in ireland but were never any good.unless somebody can prove me wrong??
  6. a maned wolf i think its called
  7. they do,they'd be better off getting into poodles and the like and stop bringing down the standards of working stock.
  8. any of these plummers ever made the grade as a reliable digging dog season after season?not hunting bunnys but proper terrier work.don't want to be wronging anybody but the limited amount i've seen i wouldn't want to own.
  9. the only time i'd ever run a pair is for a young dogs first fox or two.from then on its single handed for the rest of its working life and if the dog isn't up to that then its good luck.i'd much rather keep one excellent dog than three average ones.
  10. totally agree with you.shows do nothing for working dogs only make them prettier and being prettier is no advantage.
  11. nice pup,is she off working lines?
  12. i've used panacur for years,i don't use the dog one but use the livestock one instead.i worm all the adult dogs and all pups from 3 weeks old and always found it excellent.if buying the livestock panacur don't buy panacur SC,this can't be used on dogs just buy the standard one,it was recommended to me by a vet years ago.
  13. the most basic of common sense should tell you a 9 week pup cannot crunch up bones.are you for real?or is this an april fools joke?
  14. his "moaning" as you call it is because he is not one of the sheep who blindly obey fools in government.he has the balls to stand up and be counted.
  15. ordered,its on the forum menu at the lurcher section
  16. cmw is total shite and the fools writing in it know F all about proper lurcher and terrier work,its only use is to line the bottom of a bird cage,EDRD is a decent mag if you want something to read.
  17. myself and those i hunt with would not pass on any dog not up to standard,too many people try to sell shite on the likes of donedeal,buy +sell etc.dogs are passed pillar to post.if my dog isn't up to scratch the story ends with me and thats the right way to manage working dogs.
  18. ya i meant the actual show type,they even look different to working type springers kc reg or not.kc dogs are fine once they are working type.
  19. if dog is not single handed on all game then its not worth feeding in my opinion.
  20. any decent terrierman should be well able to handle a live fox out of a dig,if you need tongs or a noose maybe ye should be at something else for a pastime.atb. i have no problems with controlling a fox bud,but "crawling headfirst down a hole flicking dirt in his eyes and grabbing him by the scruff" ? that sound like good terrier work to you? if so then maybe i am in the wrong sport as i'm not doing it properly for as start there would be a dog in the way,secondly the fox would be dug to and dispactched in the earth(safe shot) or bolted to gun/net and then shot as soon as the dog
  21. any decent terrierman should be well able to handle a live fox out of a dig,if you need tongs or a noose maybe ye should be at something else for a pastime.atb.
  22. saw a foxhound rip one of his balls clean off on a barbed wire fence one day,he was left with one so he didn't mind.
  23. ya between 15 and 18 months depends on the dog,but always give a handy first season.use the second season to test the dog then so you know what you have.
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