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dave a

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Everything posted by dave a

  1. probably dept. of agriculture snares for badgers.if they are in your way you know what to do with them...
  2. Fair enough - would either of you be willing to take me out on a work and show me ? I am based in Sligo. on a work?not me anyway,nor anybody else i'll bet.
  3. Plummers? I know of many that have been nicked in Ireland - perhaps its not so often an occurence in the UK but in the North West it has happened. Dave I am a newbie but if thats whats plummers do is that not ok? What is the defintion of a 'working dog'? I once fostered a long legged staff/pit who was bred to fight (and cost thousands) and that was to be his 'work' - he was however stolen then passed to a rescue where I fostered it for a while - never bothered anything including my kids yet its work was to fight to the death? If I fancy a plummer for vermin and walkin
  4. i can gaurantee you that no genuine digging man in ireland(i mean genuine,not the rest)would have a plummer dog in their yard.they never have or will stick the pace of long digs of many hours over many seasons.they maybe fine to kill a few rats and hunt some cover but they are not working dogs. For those lovely irish lads ..we have sent digging dogs over many times and in fact one english breeder now in ireland sold dogs to a southern hunt.. For those looking for dogs in Ireland they are there but spread about and because they have a tendency to get nicked (due to there superior w
  5. no offence but i would put her down.she's 3 years old and no good.
  6. i can gaurantee you that no genuine digging man in ireland(i mean genuine,not the rest)would have a plummer dog in their yard.they never have or will stick the pace of long digs of many hours over many seasons.they maybe fine to kill a few rats and hunt some cover but they are not working dogs.
  7. will Plummers be bred and available then in Ireland? i hope not.grand for chasing bunnys but proper work,no.
  8. it depends on luck and how the dog is brought on i think.i've a 1/4 pit 3/4 grey dog that hunts on by scent and it helps him catch foxes by day.his full sister is used as a lamp dog and doesn't use her nose as much.you're right,a lot is down to how they are ran on when young.
  9. must have nose to find and then must stay weather sounder or hard dog must stay and work hard,no matter how long it takes.any entered working dog that leaves game needs to be culled out,no excuses.too many dogs these days are bred off shite and stuff bred from shite has shite chance of makin the grade.
  10. fine dogs MLB,you have about a thousand photos how do ye do it,i still cant figure out how to post a pic.
  11. i wouldn't worry about it.if you want something to worry about,worry will the dog be good enough to be worth keeping,dandruff or not.
  12. i have kept dogs my whole life and have bred many times to replace my stock and my friends stock.i never breed pups to sell,always to replace our own dogs.but i must say i have never heard such fussy silly,anally retentive shite as is on here.a lot of ye arn't happy unless ye have something stupid to worry about.as said before all a bitch needs is good food,to be free of worms and a warm dry place to pup.fcukin hell.
  13. buddy of mine feeds nothing else and all his dogs in great condition.
  14. jesus what a load of fussing.good food,a worm dose and a dry warm place to drop the pups and there be no problems.
  15. leave him at it,anybody thick enough to give 300 for one of those yokes deserves to be caught.
  16. dead right,in my experiance the best dogs must be held back when young not nursed along.
  17. give the bitch a break because i've a springer bitch that literally tears cover apart to hunt and will find a fox anywhere but when she is in heat and for a week or two after she will do feck all.its all hormones,dogs are as bad as women.
  18. i misunderstood you,when you asked about work i thought you meant the work that the good lines of wheatens and glens excelled at and irish terriers and kerry blues failed miserably at.what does "working" mountain lion involve?also hunting rabbits and rats is not working,i would never call a dog like this a working terrier and anybody who does must know nothing of the true working terrier.you say i know nothing about them,well i have kept both wheatens and glens and my working dogs have glen and wheaten in the lines and i know that the irish terrier and kerry blue were never up to much,maybe ca
  19. they never worked,never were good enough,working to rat isn't work,no offence to you.
  20. if the dog is wormed and eating well but still losing weight and skinny might be worth a trip to the vet,i had a lurcher bitch with the same problem a few years ago and it was a kidney problem was the cause.
  21. bull cross are a great cross if bred right but a wheaten cross off proper working wheaten lines NOT kc shite,this cross will match any bull cross,my current dog is bull cross but i like wheaten crosses(bred right) nothing like em.
  22. i thought i had good kennels, SS fair dues excellent set up, atb.
  23. i had an english bull/lakeland was an excellent dog until he was killed in a cave in.i have a bitch now english bull/fell she is 14 months,gave her one run in march was well impressed,she'll be held back now until september,both dogs not overly big for my work,my bull/fell bitch is actually my smallest terrier i have.
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