He's getting castrated because he is trying his luck with my german shepherds so he needs to calm down a bit and will never be bred from. If he turned out to be the worlds best coursing dog I wouldnt breed from him. There are to many dogs about at the minute anyway so I'm not going to add to the problem by breeding just to sell. When he retires I will buy a new pup and start again. I've never sold a problem dog, problems can always be sorted.
Maybe there should be a pinned thread with the names of everyone that makes nets and a price list? Would save everyone keep asking who does nets, just a thought
After castration how hard is it to keep the weight off? My dog gets a good hour and a half walk every day and has 2 acres to run about when he's not on a walk. And will he lose prey drive or is it hit and miss, he will only be slipped on rabbits and long ears nothing with teeth.
Cheers, Aaron.
p.s I used the search button but couldn't find the answers I was looking for.
even if it wasnt him leaving them there someone else is still on his permission when they shouldnt be.
does my head in when people leave dead quarry out
Mine have had pigs heads before and they love it, and dont seem any worse for ware. I wouldnt feed it as their main food source but ever now and again a lump of pork will be alright.
I was on a ferret rescue website not to long ago and on the main page it said that sadly they could no longer take on ferrets as they had over 130 but on a seperate page it said now taking orders on next years breeding program. The people are just in it for a few quid selling them to any old mug that knocks on there door. I even called them and asked about rehoming a jill and they said got no jills, 130 ferrets and no jills plus a breeding program. people make me sick.
Mine is like it to mate, pops up but as soon as she thinks shes going in the box she is off. I tend to coax her out with a bunny or just let her come all the way out and pick her up. She has done a runner before to which had us chasing her about a wood for a good hour plus she's like lightning, I'm sure she's got some wild in her
My ferrets have always gotten fresh raw meat all winter and ferret biscuit all summer. I've read about people feeding only during the night during summer and feeding meat with not much problem with the flies but ferrets have to eat little and often so would they not be starving hungry all day? i'd like to feed meat all year round cus i hate that over priced rubbish not to mention it makes them shit for england!!!
Thanks, Aaron.
does that also keep the nozzle from freezing?
Yes mate, as long as you cover the nozzle aswell. its just a bit of a pain when it needs filling up again
I have a 2002 fiat punto for sale, 52000 miles, taxed and MOTed, very good nick, in grey, infintity 6x9 speakers fitted, cheap to insure and tax. Im in dover in kent. £1200 but open to offeres. PM me for pics or more details.
Wrong time of year I know but my worker is out of action at the mo. Preferably a small jill.
I also have an albino jill that was found and given to me that is free to anybody that wants her, she does bite and I've never worked her.
Thanks, Aaron.
Could somebody with a preloved account get me the contact details of somebody from preloved if I give the link. It says I can't view this ad unless I pay a £25 fee. But I'll probably never use the site again.
Thanks, Aaron.