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Everything posted by Aaron_butcher

  1. It's not brown, it's clear. I thought he had a wet ear but it's stayed wet and a bit sticky for a while now.
  2. Ok cheers. It's ear drops I think. Did the tablets work? My vet seems to think that a ferret is some sort of rare specialist animal so he can charge 60 quid for a castration when I only paid 30 for the cat.
  3. Hi all, I noticed the other day that one of my hobs has a bit of a gammy ear. At first I thought it was just wet as it doesn't look like puss and he doesn't seem to be in any discomfort but it has stayed wet and a bit gooey. Is this a wait and see job or a down the vets 'who do I make the check out to', job? Also will cat ear infection medicine work the same on ferrets. Thanks in advance. Aaron.
  4. I was looking at the first photo and thinking, ' I can't see any rabbits, just that long wooden fence ' lol.
  5. Shredded paper and a pair of old long johns in the winter, warm as toast.
  6. Went to the pet shop today and bought a bag of frozen lamb hearts and a bag of chicken wings, the hearts went down a treat but they aren't really touching the chicken. As for going ferreting with a mate to use a locator, i've never met anyone down here into ferreting just loads of old boys telling me about back in the day.
  7. Hi all, After flicking through various posts on here I came to the conclusion that I should knock the dry food on the head and give the ferts an all meat diet. They have been on it for about a week now and love it but I wanted to clear a few things up. They are mainly getting mince meat is that enough on it's own or do I need variation? I'm using the tesco value stuff, is this too fatty and full of rubbish? They get one large bowl between the two of them every evening, is that enough? And I want them on whole rabbits really but I haven't worked them yet due to lack of funds for ferret fi
  8. Thanks alot They are only 5months. I will invest in a big heavy bowl I think. Cheers, Aaron.
  9. Had my ferrets about a month now, they get handled at least twice a day and have stopped biting but are still intent on getting away from me as soon as they get picked up. Is the handling a persistance thing or will they always be rather frisky. Also they tip over their food bowl every day and won't touch their food once it's mixed in with shavings, any idea how to stop that, a special bowl or something? Cheers, Aaron.
  10. If ferrets are not bred purposly for working is there a chance that they will not know what they are doing or do instincts just take over. The reason I ask is because I got my 2 from a bloke out of the paper and have no idea where they came from. I have not worked them yet and have no other ferrets to show them the ropes. Heard off a few people that they may not be interested in the bunnies if they are meant for pets. Cheers, Aaron.
  11. Looking on eBay for collars and locators, they are all about 120+ is this the general price for them or am I being mugged off? And where I want to go ferreting there is a thin tree line and barbed wire fence running through the middle of the warren, should I give this a miss as if I need to dig em out it's going to be a struggle with the fence and if I do put them down there should I have a bloke on either side of the fence to keep an eye out for my ferret coming back up (the gaps in the wire are far enough apart for me to dive through and neck the rabbits, just don't want a runaway.
  12. Thanks again I will look forward to my first outting. I'm itching to get out there!
  13. Cheers lads I'm a bit on the paranoid side at the minute as they are my first and i'd been looking on the American sites and they make out ferret care to be such hard work!
  14. not all the time, just short bursts every now and then. I thought it may be when he's annoyed as he mainly does it when squabbling over food or when I handle him (not been handled much by last owner).
  15. Yet, he is on 60 a day, that might be it LOL.
  16. be got them on straw and shavings, could that be it? Thanks again
  17. He seems pretty healthy but the people that had him before me neglected them a bit. Do I need a specialist vet or do the high street vets deal with ferrets?
  18. Thanks alot Also, one of them is making a funny noise, it's like a cross between a wheeze and a cough, is it something tonworry about or is it a natural noise. Aaron.
  19. Hi, I got my first pair of ferrets yesterday (2 hobs) both are 4 months old and brothers. Do they have to be castrated or vasectomised for them to be able to live together happily. I intend to work them so would getting them done effect that. All help much appreciated. Aaron.
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