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Everything posted by Aaron_butcher

  1. Thanks alot lads. In reply to your questions, it was sent directly to BSA but they just sent me a brand new gun with the same problems. I tryed a few different pellets, accupell, RWS superdomes, Milbro etc but it didnt up the power very much. And i can see what your saying that 10.1FTLB is enough to kill the rabbits but I see it like if i bought a brand new car and was told it can do 100MPH but it only does 70MPH, 70MPH is quick enough but i paid for a 100MPH motor, if you see what i mean. Thanks again, very helpful
  2. My first post in the air rifle section so hi . I bought a BSA scorpion t10 .22 about a month ago, took it home, zeroed it all seemed fine. started taking it lamping and was hitting rabbits in the temple at 25/30 yards and they were running off. i had a few kills but most legged it. Anyway, took it back to the shop and asked for a power test and it came out as 9.2FTLB with crosman accupell pellets. Seeing as he told me it was 11.5+ FTLB and it said 11.5 on the box i wasn't best pleased and it was sent back to BSA. I collected it yesterday, asked for another power test and this time it was 10.1
  3. before we had locators we used bells but the hole in the casing always got filled up with mud so you couldnt here it half the time.
  4. was nice down here mate, shorts and tshirt weather
  5. Went out today with a jill i got earlier this year and my girlfriends brother on the new permission. Started off on a nice ten holer on a fence, netted up and put the ferret in. After she had finished dicking about with the nets she buggered off down the hole and within 5 minutes a nice big bunny bolted into the net on the other side of the fence which resulted in my trying to be a hero and clearing the fence but ended up catching my foot and landing on my face and just looking like a proper tw@t. 20 minutes and another 2 rabbits later she decided to lay up typically underneath the farm track
  6. I think the harsh replies are called for, seeing as an animals health and wellbeing may be at risk. If it was a gun or a car then fair enough but you should do all the reading up you can before getting any animal.
  7. my mates terriers are good marking dogs but their mouths are as soft as a whack off ricky hatton. not sure if its terriers in general or just his but as soon as a bunny jumps in the net the terriers are on it and chomping it right up.
  8. one of my hobs was absolutely riddled with ticks last year, got some little sachets of flea and tick stuff from the vets, it killed off all the ticks and kills any new ones that latch on for up to a month.
  9. Convert an old chainsaw, take the blade off and get a longer exhaust on it.
  10. I've had mice in my ferret shed, running about nicking the food out the sack. Cheeky little buggers.
  11. IMO you won't start properly learning till you are out there doing it. Books give you a rough idea but until your out in the snow diving head first through horthorn bushes to get a netted rabbit you won't get as much out of it. Get out with someone on here mate.
  12. we have been out already mate ( Dover way ) around the wooded areas there's hardly any stingers left and not seen any babies in a while.
  13. Got mine from homebase, dont get than flimsy chicken wire shit, just something with really small meshes in it. make sure to use and lots and lots of staples when it goes on.
  14. It's fine, paper and hay lock together when you try and scoop out the sh!t and paper doesn't absorb moisture. Shavings are best.
  15. Leave it in there over night and they should have a go at it.
  16. Throw the lot in, they will only eat what they need so will all get a turn. Any bones and fur are good. If they dont seem to keen to start with hunger will soon get the better of them. If i were you id feed meat at night during the summer when there aren't to many flies about then remove whats left in the morning and adjust the amounts the next evening to suit what they need. If theres nothing left, put some more in, if there is lots left don't put as much in. Good luck.
  17. Cheers lads, I'll get some more pics up further into the season.
  18. Picked up some kits about a month ago from some bloke that said to me, 'do you want the mum? if you don't i'm gunna knock her on the head'. Took her home, she wouldn't let you anywhere near her, she has had half her tail cut off and is missing a few teeth. ( The bloke said he used to burn her nose with a lighter too). After alot of handling and alot of plasters she now lets me pick her up no problem. Took her up the horse fields today for a bit of pest control to see how she got on and she managed to bolt 2 from a nice 6 holer in the woods, only got one though as i missed a hole Im please
  19. I've had that problem mate, the only two times I have ever shut the shed door since I have owned ferrets my little jill has escaped and been running round inside. All blocked up now though....I hope.
  20. 4 inch drainage pipe. Nip on to a building site and ask someone in a digger, they should have plenty of off cuts.
  21. We've got a small horse feild on our permission and its the highest density of rabbits in such a small place that ive ever seen. You can do a set once and then again the next week and still get good results. But its all down to where you are working.
  22. The one with his knackers might still show some aggression in summer and the one that had the chop will show none. You can just put them in together and see how it goes. If the vesectomised hob starts being aggressive towards the other one during breeding season then just seperate them. Good luck pal.
  23. Broken raw eggs on the lawn or a bunny with his guts hanging out, that should bring them in. Depending on the scale of your problem you could get a larson trap. Aaron
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