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Everything posted by Aaron_butcher

  1. Never bothered mate, never seen worms in there sh1t so not bothered. Only frontlined for fleas and ticks. Aaron.
  2. I've always used 3 foot 6. I bought some 4 footers not to long ago but I hate them. I stick my ring in the hole anyway mate. Never had trouble with not catching.
  3. Thanks lads, while I'm here I've got a net making question. I've been copying some nets I've already got that are 15 meshes wide by 10 meshes long, when I make mine to this size I have alot of bag left in the middle. All the websites tell me to make them 4 foot but that's to big for my liking. Would decreasing the width to 12 meshes make my nets lay flatter or wpuld my net be to thin. They work fine but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I'd like them to lay a bit flatter . Thanks alot, Aaron.
  4. Cheers lads. My mate is bringing his jack russels down over the weekend with his smoker. Thanks again, Aaron.
  5. Wouldn't fancy chinning one in a net lol. Thanks ecostorm I'll recruit my mates terriers
  6. i use a skinny nail and push the cord through with that
  7. cheers mate, ive never used terriers so i wasnt sure if they would just lose sight in the waist high grass, stingers and brambles?
  8. I've just found a load of rat holes in an over grown part of my garden. There are alot of greenhouses about with holes inside and outside. I've just been up there and put a ferret in, bolted one from inside a greenhouse but couldn't shoot the bugger because of all the glass. I don't think terriers would be any good becuase the rats would just disappear in the undergrowth ( I may be wrong ). I can't put poison down because of all the animals so is there any other way anyone could suggest for doing the job without me having to buy any rat traps or strimming the jungle that is my garden. Cheers,
  9. saw some proper tiddlers hopping about the other night
  10. We started start of last month. (Dover) the cover is still high in places but it is slowly dropping. Just took the dog out and saw a few baby bunnys though.
  11. I'm building an extension at home at the mo and it's looking like I'm going to have a load of blocks left over and I'm looking to build a ferret court out of them seeing as I can't make dick all out of wood. My question is, will this cause problems with temperature being to hot/cold or any other problems I should know about. Also I'm looking to build it in two sections with some sort of trap door so I can seperated hobs and jills in summer, so any design ideas would be helpful. Cheers, Aaron.
  12. I was doing it wrong mate. Instead of creating a proper locking knot it was basically just a knot wrapped round another bit of twine. Was threading it through a loop the wrong direction but I've done it right on one I've made tonight and no sign of slipping.
  13. I double knotted my last net but took ages. Turned out I was putting it through the loop the wrong way. I was going right to left rather than left to right. Cheers boys.
  14. I've had a look mate but how do u incorporate that into a net. Any videos? Cheers mate
  15. I did not was that on my last thread?
  16. I've made two hemp nets with single knots and alot of the nets are slipping. I've made a third with double knots but obviously it takes longer and surely I should only have to used a single. Could this be down to my 'hemp' being shit or something? I am pulling the knots tight but they just slide about when I pull them. Cheers, Aaron.
  17. Just started making my own nets out of hemp. I've read that hemp requires one knot and nylon requires 2. But does spun nylon require 2 knots aswell? Also the nets I've made are my first hemp ones, if I dry them after outtings how long should they last? Ta, Aaron.
  18. cheers mate Do i need to cut round the outside (like a doughnut) or straight through the tread? Will it just fly straight through? ive got 70 something to cut. Thanks for the advice
  19. i can get hold of a stihl saw. diamond blade or metal cutting blade?
  20. i've just started scrapping after being laid off and i've been given a whole farms worth of metal to clear. found out today the scrap yard dont want gas bottles or fridges (after id driven over there with a load full of gas bottles and fridges ) But there are mountains of wheels all still with tyres on. Can someone tell me a quick way to get tyres off of rims, like will a 4 inch angle grider cut them off? Cheers, Aaron.
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