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Everything posted by Aaron_butcher

  1. I've got a saluki collie grey, its my first lurcher and the first dog I've owned. The training is coming on really well, he can be a bit stubborn at times but I mainly put it down to his age. Seeing as this is the first dog I've ever trained and its going well (touch wood) it can't be too hard. But then again he does have collie in him although its not very much. Aaron.
  2. I don't really understand how council houses work (im only young). But is there not a cut off point of earnings? Like if you earn over so much per year you dont qualify for a council house or can anyone get one? Because he must be on a few quid to afford that car. Cheers, Aaron.
  3. the boss taking the right piss out of my girlfriends epilepsy saying shit like i should flash lights in her eyes while im shagging her etc. he got a pasting and ive been unemployed for 6 months. happy days ay.
  4. in the winter i just chuck a few socks over the water bottle and they get an old towel and an old thermal vest to curl up in. maybe a bit of tarpaulin over the front to if its pissing down or snowing. Good luck mate.
  5. i use a few tiny bits of cheese. i know its not good for them but only a tiny bit doesnt hurt. done it with all my dogs and they stop whatever they are doing on the chance i have some cheese. bit of cooked liver does the trick too.
  6. i make florecent pink nets with bright yellow draw cord, you'd never lose one
  7. make another hole and do it up tight. as long as your ferret can breath its fine. when its on try and pull it off over the ferrets head.
  8. it should be tight enough that you cant pull it over there head but loose enough that you can twist it round
  9. thanks for all the replies. im going to give it a go. watch for pics aaron.
  10. lol. it does defintaly go under the road. the bank if 4 foot high and almost vertical and sits directly onto the road if u get what i mean. I'll point the old bill in your direction when it all goes tits up mate Ta mate.
  11. cheers pal. He's only 6 months at the mo but im interested in the food for when he's older.
  12. commanche: its a busyish road. brimmer: whats an mk6? he doesnt want snares because the bank that the field is on has sheep and horses and my airgun is well out of action for the for seeable future. Thanks for replies
  13. Whats the best dry food for my dog? I was thinking marstons working dog food or a greyhound mix. Ideally i'd like to feed raw but it isnt an option at the moment. And before you all try and jump on me about the search button im doing this off an iphone so i dont have it. Cheers, Aaron.
  14. On my permission ive been asked to ferret an earth about 60 holes on a small bank but it is directly under a tarmac road. My question is, is it not more hassle than its worth. I'm not worried about the ferret killing under im more worried about killing and getting trapped behind it because obviously i can't dig to it unless i tunnel under the road surface. I realise its a small chance of getting trapped but its a chance none the less. If not he'll get someone in with an air rifle to sort it but id still rather do it myself. Cheers, Aaron.
  15. just small pockets here and there. nothing like it has been.
  16. a cat, 2 german shepherds, 5 ferrets, 16 (lazy) chickens and a argentinian horned frog
  17. Thanks again I typed in HW95K in youtube and you'll never guessed who popped up! thats some nice shootin Si and your video has pushed me into buying one. gurtwurz, thanks pal, i think i might fit a ram and see how it goes Aaron.
  18. Thanks for that mate. I've had a look at the HW95k reviews and there is not one bad one compared to the lightning where there were one or two. I'm not so much set on getting a gas ram but i like the idea of leaving it cocked and a spring not weakening. I am now very much swayed towards the weirauch although if there was a gas ram available for the 95k i wouldnt be on here typing i'd be out there shooting it. The hw90 is a bit over budget but i think its going to be the HW95K as i have shot one once or twice and did like it. Thanks for taking the time to reply Aaron.
  19. Thanks very much mate, some cracking advice. I'm just off to look at the reviews for the HW. do you know if there is a gas ram conversion available for it? beddy lurcher, im from kent so its a bit far to go. ta anyway.
  20. I'm not really mad on air rifles although ive always had one lying about, more into dogs but i upgraded from spring to pcp a couple of years back as one was going cheap (webley fx 2000), i didnt get on with it so sold it. Since then ive had an air arms s200, brocock concept (brand new), and a bsa scorpion t-10 (brand new). And ive not liked any of them, im not sure if they just arent good guns or its just me so im going back to springers. i thought about getting something like an R-10 but if it turns out i just dont like pcps full stop then thats alot of money gone and it wouldnt get used reli
  21. Start mine at 8 months. If they are to young and come across a rat or a stoat your going to have a poorly ferret. Thats just me though, others start at different ages. Aaron.
  22. I am of the younger generation so I think I can get away with saying, this lad looks a total c**t.
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