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Everything posted by jawn

  1. Took the Duvadirto pups out around midnight with their mama Kacer and Arna another bitch. We had a cool front and the temp dropped to around 65 degrees which is kind of chilly for this time of year this far south. I dropped the tailgate and it wasn't two minutes before they opened up screaming their heads off but it was only a marsh bunny. Would have made my night but my flash light sucked and I couldn't see them well enough to do anything about it. As luck would have it there a bunch of them too, and we made slow progress. The ground was damp from the low temps and it was about the perfect co
  2. With all due respect a working terrier that has never been worked is not a working terrier. Dogs that were bred to work that are denied the opportunity will often show you why they are a poor choice for a pet. Your dog is young.... but already too old to be telling you what it is going to do. An experienced person could likely correct the behavior. But at the end of the day it's not the dogs behavior at the root of the problem.... it's your own.
  3. I guess I'm odd. I don't give a S$%t if a man puts a skirt on his dog a dances around his front yard with it. This in my not so humble oppinion is why there are all of these crazy laws. If I don't like it, I don't look at it, and I sure as hell try not to give it a bunch of thought. I don't think a guy is an anti for expressing a different view, but he may have had a little too much animal planet as a child. I hunt terriers with and without docked tails. A working terrier is likely to get injured with... or without a docked tail at some point. Nothing barbaric about any of it. JM2c
  4. There are very few drawbacks to hunting with a good jagdterrier. The ones I have will stick with rabbits in the middle of the summer in an extremely dry climate. They are persistent as hell, and I think that helps them pick a track back up after they lose it. It's easy to know when they've found it because they're yapping their heads off once they do. They no question are better than most curs I've hunted, and I've hunted a few. They are not hounds. But when they are bred with an eye on how well they can track, they will surprise most. Great one out dog or dog to have in a pinch. Super dog to
  5. I could switch the two off of Oscar and Arnie I have in the pen and you couldn't tell from looking at them.
  6. One of her pups on her first dove hunt.
  7. Same bitch as the earlier pictures with a little fox.
  8. It is flat out amazing how big they get up north. That one on the far right of the tail gate looks like some kind of jurrasic park coon.lol
  9. A working terrier isn't a game dog. I don't care if his daddy was Red Boy.
  10. With all due respect mister this dog doesn't look like he's ever had a tooth laid on him.
  11. Really nice looking dog Uru. Looks like a handy sized terrier. Good luck with him.
  12. Doesn't sound right mister. Something seems off.
  13. Outstanding news! Justice seems like a rarity these days.
  14. If only we knew as much now as we did back then.lol
  15. If you use them... you will lose them. No sense in pretending otherwise. I am guilty of my share of mistakes. One thing is certain. I will never forget them. But hindsight will not keep my dogs out of trouble, nor will it help me sleep any easier when I am the casue of it. There is a reason that the best usually die too soon. The lessons I have learned from losing the great dogs, seem to only benifit the dogs that are just good enough. The good ones have a way of borrowing trouble and making their mark on your soul.
  16. A tough looking pair. Hope they make you proud mister.
  17. I am calling a couple of the new ones Dip Stick and Gruby.
  18. I have one I'm calling Weedeater right now.
  19. Thanks allot Cleanspade! I was fortunate to hear of a man in Slovakia that I believed had what I was looking for. Three years of calling writing and basicly begging a man that spoke no english was all it took to get dogs from him. At one point he put his daughter on the phone claiming in what little english he could muster, that she would be able to communicate with me. She wasn't but to her credit... I am from Texas and it's probably not English I'm speaking most of the time.lol Good and bad dogs everywhere. The same can be said of people, but generally speaking I enjoy the company of dog
  20. http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/06/04/orvillecopter-takes-flight-cat-run-over-by-car-gets-extra-life-as-a-remote-controlled-helicopter/
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