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Everything posted by smecky

  1. Anyone got one. Need one by Sunday. Thanks
  2. As above, this is brand new and was a gift to me its in mossy oak break up, comes with all tags and a ten year warranty. Please pm me for pics as im struggling at the moment to get em up. Looking for £120 posted.
  3. nice one mate, you got your gun blooded at last, and a good kill at that, cracking head shot..
  4. Its a 22 says made in hungary on it serial number 65947
  5. I have an open fac anyway so not a problem. Just want it down to about 11ftlb. Thanks for your advice
  6. Right. Got home tonight and stripped it down again. Looks like I put too much grease in the cylinder. So cleaned and all degreased put all back together and still running hot. 13.5ftlb so how do I get this down, only one washer on the spring. Do I need to chop it or just add more grease to the spring. Also I never greased the rear of the piston could this have an effect. Thanks for all your comments guys been really helpful.
  7. Yes mate it's a standard tx! When I put the old spring back in there was no problem at all
  8. Yeah same as! As I removed this spring the piston weight was completely wedged in it. Could this of been the cause.
  9. No it was in no packaging. Will be phoning them tomorrow.
  10. They said it was a genuine replacement. From Manchester air guns. Im not happy.
  11. Just got a new aa spring today for my rifle that's shooting at 10.30 ft lb using aa fields. So a clean and a spring was needed. Changed everything and its doing 25 ft lb. has the shop sold me a fac spring?????? As I've put my old one back in and it's running the same. Thanks
  12. Wanted range finder hawke or bushnell
  13. Hi mate I'd say about 3 hours if u are lucky. This new small one I've tested and still running after 10 hours! And the film doesn't hamper it makes it really better as your eyes without it get so dazed!!
  14. I use a hawke sidewinder. Fantastic optics with th ns50.
  15. What I use instead of a lamp on ur gun too is a petzl lamp on my head!! Switch it on and off in an instant and no other extra weight to ur rifle. Looks good though Keith! Hope ur screen doesn't react to the battery!
  16. A good buy for £30 and mounted using sticky velcro
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