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Everything posted by Queequeg

  1. I usually eat what I catch but i put these 4 back. Was hard work bringing them in they were 100 or so yards out in strong tide and sucked against the sand. brilliant night.
  2. Being new to the forum just thought i'd share some pics from one of my last beach fishing nights late last year. Polzeath North Cornwall. Not huge but was a good night considering the lack of ray (and anything else) showing off our coast last year. Baits were whole squid, Sandeel on pulley pennels. Sea was bouncing. All four were around the 5 lb mark.
  3. Heheh that would be good. I have been playing with it here and it seems ok at a distance around 50 yards but when i look back at something a bit closer to me say around15- 20 yards the depth of filed is all to pot and is slightly blurry. COuld just be the close distances.
  4. Oh yes I think it is a fixed power as the distance stays the same when looking through no matter what I turn.
  5. Ok i was prpbably too close. I have tried it outside today. But I have another daft question. How is it that when my eye focuses on the background the crosshair is blurred but when looking through at the cross hair it is sharp and the background blurred. Is this just my eyes lol.
  6. I would say around 20ft (too close?). To be honest I don't know what sight it is or how powerful it is. The writing has worn away and The only writing i can find says something like Model 70 Origional but the 7 could be a 3. The end diameter of the lens is about 2 1/2 inches. apart from that I have no idea.
  7. This might sound like a silly qustion but... Received my rifle today first air rifle but have shot them when I was younger. Anyway I understand that I adjust the windage and elevation turrets if a shot is too high or too far left/right etc but my problem i seem to be having and it may sound daft is that I can see the crosshair clear as but the background is blurry I have tried turning the ring at the rear of the scope but it doesn't seem to do anything. Am I doing something wrong or is it just becase I am too close? (currently inside house aiming down hallway) Any help would be apprecia
  8. Cheers guys, thanks for the advice. The Airarms were another option of mine and it seems alot of people on here like them. How do the fields differ from the hunters? Thats why I like these forums, I'm part of a fishing one as well and theres always lots of good advice to be had and it's also nice to help people as well. I shall PM sweeney
  9. Hi Recently put a thread up regarding an air rifle that i am receiving this week Weihrauch HW80k .22 I am looking to buy a couple of tins of different pellets. Have had a look at 9 pellet thread on this forum and will probably go for the Bisley mag. Was just wondering if it would worth getting another tin of different pellets to use for acurate distance work etc? If so what pellets would you guys recomend. Any help would appreciated Thanks very much
  10. All sounds good then. I didn't feel that it was too heavy. Especially when i had a feel of my friends Theoben that thing weighed a tonne. Will need some camos now lol.
  11. Ah I got it wrong it's a Weihrauch HW80k. Theres no silencer but I assume they are easy to fit.
  12. wierauchs are bomb-proof,I shoot centre-fire now but still couldn't bring myself to part with my hw80 had it over 25yrs still as good as ever it was give or take a couple of springs & a custom stock.they are very easy to work on as well for a beginner. That sounds good then. The only worry is the state it's in the barrell has rust all over it. Are they easy to clean up. The sights look ok though.
  13. My best Bass was 6lb summin caught last year late summer at Watergate Bay. A guy fishing next to me had a 9lber. Not huge but big bass are rare down here at the moment and the nets seem to cacth most of them.
  14. Hi, I have recently joined the forum and getting into hunting. I fish alot but Havn't been shooting since I was a child and for the sort of Hunting i'll be doing an Air rifle seems ideal. I have a farm to shoot on and a friend who has also recently started. Anyway i'll get to the point a friend has an air rifle that was lying in his barn goijg to waste. It's a Weirauch HW86k (.22 I believe), it's in a bit of a state but i've been told it fires ok. Is this a good gun and would it be ideal for me as a beginner? Also the whole .177 .22 confuses me as everyone has different views on what t
  15. Yeah thats true they are used as Schutzhund dogs, police dogs in germany and postal dogs during the war. Leo's a fine example has a longer snout very athletic/strong. Our friends has a very short snout looks the size of a small bullmastiff but can't breath very well at all. I suppose some are badly breed. Wouldn't say their stupid as they are a very intelligent sog, just a bit stubborn.
  16. theyre not renowned for their hunting abilities mate but as with everything theres always an exception to the norm,what kind of stuff has he caught yeah thats what always has confused me as most literature says they were breed for hunting. But what exactly lol. Yeah mine will chase animals and catch them but it's giving the kill to me thats the problem lol. Very stubborn. He's caught Rats, rabbits, Squirrals, a peacock (whoops), and a German Shepherd that was not good.(whoops again. obviously didn't kill it). He's good with live stock and cats though. Would be ok if he let things
  17. Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie to this forum and hunting so this may seem a bit odd. I have boxer dog, large male 4 years old. Are they any good for hunting. he has a strong instinct to hunt, very fast and athletic and powerful,the only thing is his discipline very strong willed when he catches an animal he will eat it and won't let go. Are they any good and can he be trained to not eat the kill?
  18. Hi mate we have a collie cross whippet. She is just like a collie, very obedient, very collie to be honest tries to round up the cats.
  19. Thanks. Nice dog in your avatar by the way.
  20. Hi Everyone, I'm from Cornwall and have keen interest in learning how to hunt, mainly shooting what to do afterwards etc. Also maybe one day hunting with dogs/ferrets. I know its a bit of a tall order but I know just about nothing about hunting but really want to get into it. I am a keen sea angler which has taught me a great deel of patience and I also have a great respect for all living creatures. I am getting self sufficent living and really want to start honing my skills into hunting. DOes anyone know of any clubs or anywhere where i can begin to learn as there is alot to take
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