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About oneforthepot

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    coney island
  1. Anybody living in sheffield gravespark area see or get offered a beddie x grey could you please let me know i lost her today in graves park she is a bitch around 21inch black and rough haired ...thanks one for the pot
  2. when your in photobucket looking at the pic you want to put on here, copy and paste the img code ..
  3. 14 years your a saint.I have a first cross beddiexgrey and for the first 2years the dog was a nightmare but I stuck with it she is now 4 and she has calmed down..how you did it for 14years I don't know..good post made me laugh..
  4. Thanks for the replys lads, the top pic is my mates.just done a search on google and the top print isn't called rouges gallery, there is one called rouges gallery but its not quite the same...
  5. Hi, could anyone on the forum please identify the name of the two prints below by mick cawston, ones mine and ones a mates..bought em years ago and forgot what there called. thanks
  6. Yes mate my bedxgrey is 4yrs old now and its only been this last year she has settled down and started behaving herself...They can be hard work..Could be ideal for you though having terriers they do make good mooching dogs....good luck mate if you get one let me know how it goes...
  7. Don't bother mate..get yer sen another breed..............
  8. I wouldn't go for a first cross, lurcher x lurcher everytime..my first dog was out ad mag advert read bedxgrey x greyxdeer..she made a cracking dog and she was my first dog..i now have a first cross never again...lurcher x lurcher everytime...
  9. There prints whippet99 the original would be worth lots more..£1000plus
  10. On page1 theres a print of mick cawstons called a night out, it sold for 90quid back in 2011 anyone know the value of it now..its just that i bought one the same at the weekend...cheers
  11. Nice pic northernlite...are the dogs beddie whipppet or beddie greys..look chunky for whippets..
  12. Around 20-23inch...inbetweens good odds
  13. I feed my lurcher red mills racer av done from a pup but also half a pound of mince and a good hand full of chicken in there to. poor dog needs more than just redmills..
  14. Lovely pic...Bet it was great going out for a mooch in 1952...
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