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About whin

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. whin the cream pup i had of you is on one of my topics now mate.. he will turn out a very good tool

  2. ye weve been pals for twenty odd yeasra stay over and have agood crack down there an dhe likes up here to in gods country
  3. other dog jeed him up maybe ,take him with no other dogs see how he performs
  4. mate from yorkshire d slieght good little dogs
  5. they were kelpie grew mix mate bred them his self down south yorkshire your dog maybe related guy was d slieght
  6. these days are gone shame cant beat agood walk in the dark etc, saw little gem and co good little dogs
  7. great days had a few big posh gardens and some paid well good bag for minium effort thats hunting ,in and out do the biz and on to the next , youll be glad you had dogs
  8. mate had some good little ones katie milly kizzy about 22 23 , saw afew little dogs under 23 , not many lately tho
  9. majority hear go to tescos and some dont ahah
  10. obtainin the best about is fine then you have to put the graft into them guys
  11. so do i and many others as i was brought up all round edinburgh east lothain berwickshire and hunted with some of the best
  12. a lot of peoplel i think use non worker as thats why there so much tripe going about i mean look at som e of the big old scottish deerhounds un worked collies .over muscled pit bulls , show pony saluks , greyhouhds who are not to clever. whippets that are fine no real pace etc not like proper whippet racing type , its a sad fact that only clever types of hunters are useing good to good , or champ to proven workers , i wouldnt breed a litter of first crosses unles noth parents are well worked as you never find good pionts until tested or bad pionts
  13. good didnt no you could reAD MATE as i canna spell marra ahah
  14. get some pics for me,if i had a scanner i would put some up lol
  15. gods country i asked the local mp too put a passport and fence up at edinburgh and one at berwick lol keep em out i no some good bits beter than most , as ive been a bold character up ther with the dogs and sport , had some [bANNED TEXT] times always abit sport up there , i fish of there with oat in summer good lobster ground, makrel and codling
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