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kieran c

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About kieran c

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I dont know about that imo its good to see a youngster search places as its all part of learning ....and can you really trust an inexperienced Terrier unless its search every inch ?a bitch we used to have would be pulling at the lead from ten yards away or hardly even sniff it, depending on her opinion. She was never proved wrong.So you did run a dog through after the 100% marking bitch had said no? Yes many times in company because of doubters .she may have gone wrong who will know? Have a third read of my post and understand that i said "She was never PROVED wrong...
  2. As above just saw this cross advertised for sale.anyone see this cross before?what would be the positives and negatives of this cross if any?
  3. Nice dog .You alwsys seem to have brillant looking workers.
  4. Live not too far from there myself. Bad ones just take up space and money
  5. Welcome to the site . What part of Tipperary did you live in? Any chance you left some good line of terriers here when you left
  6. Thanks for the replies .where did you get the collar?
  7. Any advice on getting a dog to stop barking .he only barks when i go inside away from him stops when i come out.Neighbour getting a bit fed up of it.don`t really want to go down the bark collar route.any ideas welcome.
  8. nice to see someone keeping proper borders not the show stuff that seems to be everywhere.
  9. where abouts is it on or will it be signposted?
  10. Yeah they look something like that .Reckon it`s young lads at it pure dangerous for dogs .
  11. Nice looking dogs you have there .
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