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Everything posted by teddybear

  1. cheers lads hes 4 month in the pics 6 n a haf now 24tts and 21 kg gave him a bit of road work this week for the first time
  2. nice looking pup pal hows it bred saluki in there?
  3. as above just a couple of pics to pass the time
  4. check my gallery pal my dog is 26tts first cross to first cross saluki grey collie grey does the lot my bitch is a saluki grey with a bit of whippet out of dark destroyer stuff maybe going to bread them next year
  5. nothing much pal oot the first time in ages last night wea ma new bitch got her her first bambi

  6. show us yours atb tbear :thumbdown:other pic at 98 weeks old cant get it uploaded
  7. willdo [bANNED TEXT] nae cedit in ma phone inoo the weemans 23tts hell be 6 month on the 23rd a this month al try n top up is week n get a night on av got that wee bitch lucky back am goini get her oot this week

  8. hows the dog doing pal

  9. saluki/grey x collie/grey first cross to first cross 26tts 4yrs old runs at 29kg
  10. cheers pal big dog does well on everything ive put his way hope the weeman follows in his footsteps
  11. saluki/greyxcollie/grey 26tts 4 yrs old now saluki grey 23tts double bred to drax - merlin n eve 8 wks and 5month old
  12. happenin pal hows the dugs wit you got comming on fur the season

  13. hows it going pal get the pup onto clamped rabbits and walk it in till they move as long as you stay calm and quiet let the dogs brain do the work after a few trips out it will get the picture dogs learn by association once it learns to associate the beam with something to chase when slipped it will go down the beam till something moves to chase it wont take long mate
  14. pics of benji took today pal

  15. any pics pal and a bit more info on parentage ect
  16. my number is 07840240757 cheers

  17. good to hear pal glad to hear hes settled in well, look forward to hearing about his pipe cleaning days out lol keep in touch pal

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