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Everything posted by peeser

  1. the last one was that one i had dan but it was only reall cinnimon round the legs was a crackin wee ferret but
  2. it not banned over here
  3. fair play boys must be decent permision u got there
  4. lovely lookin wee dog there and u aren t to bad yourself lol atb
  5. love catching them bunnies and anything else

  6. i wouldn t worry too much mate they ll ate more or less anything when hungry but at least u give a fu*ck best of luck with them peeser
  7. take it you don t use mark threes then once the collar swells as the man says ur beat fs but good luck anyway
  8. hope all goes well should be flyin next season best of luck any way
  9. u know sandy will win no sheepdogs lol put the two photos of the day up with the dogs good photos
  10. If my ferrets could crew through chicken wire I wouldnt be surprised if they also donned big red capes and flew around saving the world every night after I'd gone to bed. BS mate I lost my first ferret after he chewed through the chicken wire on his box, too. Belting little silver hob he was, tame as a puppy. So it seems you're in the minority there mate. Galvanised weldmesh was the only thing I'd use from then on. 100% chicken wire is shit mines ate through even doubled up now they,re workin it s a lot quieter in the garden
  11. turned out a great day, me the snowman and the iceman out the day hare and plenty of rabbits no digging perfect weather. Bolted most for the dogs to be fair but they just hit ditches the boy s have a photo of them and the dogs then the phone bust but a good day out all the best peeser happy hunting
  12. 1 ferret does me all day bolted 30 it loves it, givin them a rest lol
  13. out in the morning good weather forecast so why not get a few bunnies
  14. who lifted the most that night lol
  15. stop running your dog on the road then get in to him iceman lol
  16. smashing set up mate looks the part
  17. nice looking pup mate hope it goes well for you
  18. that was a good wee day bar the horses lol
  19. just hope the laws aren t passed here they re talking about it tho :realmad:
  20. 5 months the same age as mine and they re flyin all the best
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