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Everything posted by fionn

  1. thats a load of bollocks there never been any dog fighting at any shows think what ur saying
  2. did you or your mate ever tell the person who owned the dog where he WAS if you didnt dose that not make youas bad as them
  3. if there a certain line thats suits what you have would you buy pup to improve your lines or if a lad was trying to get started or had hes dogs stolen would you sell him dog or pup for small money and as for mention the english man that used to live over here that told lies about no border in the patts he sent to usa out of sam and wrote a new book who had the letter wrote and sign by all respected terriermen in england plus now lives aboardcome on neil you dont have to go outside this country we have plenty of ur own dog thieft you know me neil i would not entertain a dog thieft you must bre
  4. if my menory is right neil did you and your mate buy a pup from him and brought it back to him as it was in bad nick where did you get book from like to read it i totally agree with you about false peds but i owned booth bred dogs and i never bought pups from him doses that make me low life
  5. at least the judges are proper working dogmen looking forward to it
  6. Plummers? I know of many that have been nicked in Ireland - perhaps its not so often an occurence in the UK but in the North West it has happened. Dave I am a newbie but if thats whats plummers do is that not ok? What is the defintion of a 'working dog'? I once fostered a long legged staff/pit who was bred to fight (and cost thousands) and that was to be his 'work' - he was however stolen then passed to a rescue where I fostered it for a while - never bothered anything including my kids yet its work was to fight to the death? If I fancy a plummer for vermin and walkin
  7. i can gaurantee you that no genuine digging man in ireland(i mean genuine,not the rest)would have a plummer dog in their yard.they never have or will stick the pace of long digs of many hours over many seasons.they maybe fine to kill a few rats and hunt some cover but they are not working dogs. For those lovely irish lads ..we have sent digging dogs over many times and in fact one english breeder now in ireland sold dogs to a southern hunt.. For those looking for dogs in Ireland they are there but spread about and because they have a tendency to get nicked (due to there superior w
  8. thats a joke in my opinion people come on here and slate nuttall gould etc for decent bred black dogs at 250 lets be honest here a plummer is a cross between a beagle and a russell theres bandy leg jack russell that everyone own one time or another that could hunt dig foxes and kill rats better than any plummer this site is a hunting forum pedigree mean shit you should be ashamed to charge 300 to anyone
  9. what dog won overall terrier and show overall had to leave early
  10. im irish so if i wanted to go over to show my docked terrierwhats the problem every dogman in england knows someone in ireland so why not get your pups docked over here its still legal its shit like this lost the hunting in first place stand up for your hunting and showing ur working dogs
  11. here a real spinger 11b weight took photo then put him back as its catch and release
  12. you want a five gallon drum for northsider ha ha myself and him could do a sumo
  13. heres a gould bred dog my mate has have full brother myself cant put picture up
  14. just to let you know albertj iv been to all the gamefairs dogshow in the north which was 3 hours both ways as do plently of people from the north come down to the south for the kilkenny show etc i will be at any rally which will save hunting talk is cheap lets see ye down there as for mid antrim there ok too take our money at birr show all we ask in return is surport nice big banner with you and shamus underneath it fionn
  15. as your advertising for birr irish gamefairs i liked to see yourself and mid antrim terrier club at the countryside march in waterford on the 27th as we all need to stick together on this one this goes to all country sports not just hounds or terrier look forward to your surport yours fionn
  16. will be there will round up all the carrick hunting lads
  17. ill second that the terrier bitch that won show last year is a very good worker plus she won a lot of the southern shows last year she also won show in cork and same reserve dog in both shows cork show was judge by welsh lads both show were t0p class personally i think most dogmen in southern ireland are fed up with show shit winning for example the welsh game fair winners has been all workers last few years and long may it continue
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