brought a 2 yr lurcher 3 months ago and now its in the vets on a drip suspected porvo since monday, vet as said it will pull through but i have 3 other dogs what r vacinated, when i bring the dog home can the other dogs catch it?
brought two yr lurcher took her lamping had 5 rabbits out of 8 runs but [bANNED TEXT] i got home her toas red and brused on top is ther anythining i can soaked them in and the groud woz soft i have had dog for ten year and never had this problem before
Stick a ring for taking of lambs tails on its tail at the lenght you want,problem solved.
where would you get such a ring from and does it realy work ?
sheep farmer and it does work put the ring on its tail and the tail dies after about ten day and breaks off dun it a few times