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Everything posted by gaz67

  1. i have got ten if u want any ten pound each
  2. can gastro be passed to other dogs
  3. were about are you in staffs and wat make are they
  4. brought a 2 yr lurcher 3 months ago and now its in the vets on a drip suspected porvo since monday, vet as said it will pull through but i have 3 other dogs what r vacinated, when i bring the dog home can the other dogs catch it?
  5. i get a full tripe for 2 pound many as i want and they are cows not sheep
  6. brought two yr lurcher took her lamping had 5 rabbits out of 8 runs but [bANNED TEXT] i got home her toas red and brused on top is ther anythining i can soaked them in and the groud woz soft i have had dog for ten year and never had this problem before
  7. Stick a ring for taking of lambs tails on its tail at the lenght you want,problem solved. where would you get such a ring from and does it realy work ? sheep farmer and it does work put the ring on its tail and the tail dies after about ten day and breaks off dun it a few times
  8. dog run a rabbit down a path took skin off pads, whats the best treatment?
  9. cheers lads i wos told it kills worms and fleas
  10. hi lads when using ivomec for fleas and worms do inject or put on skin, is it 1mil fer a lurcher?
  11. ha mate i give you full price pm me thanks
  12. gaz67

    tread mill

    hav u got it and [bANNED TEXT] make is it
  13. gaz67

    tread mill

    hav u still got the tread mill and [bANNED TEXT] make is it
  14. why not call it DIVA FEVER cuz i no you like them
  15. no mate it is dhgh xdhgh
  16. ha ha this fox is bigger than your dogs
  17. got no paperwork with it because ive had it about 20 years, i want about £ or what have you got to swap
  18. full stuffed fox on plaque, for sale or willing to swap for ferret locator box and collar. pictures available on request.
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