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Everything posted by foxlamper80

  1. yes lad any good lamping up at belfast

  2. aye have a red but hear the green 1 is good for the rabbits
  3. she a nice looking terrier lad my 1 is the same hunting in the brain atb with her
  4. aye lamp a whippets for years never had problem with it and tock big bags and the odd long ears way him
  5. aye got abit of new land the farmer had to getout with me lamping one nite an he f*****g love it he is getin to be a pain in the arse now always ringing for me to take him out lamping with me but it keeps him happy
  6. ok lads thankz i get me self a lightforce then [NO TEXT TALK] know were to get a good deal atb foxlamper80
  7. looks a good job aye would go for it lad you couldnt go wrong at that money
  8. hi were do you get them from can u get them on line
  9. iam thinking of geting a new lamp but cant makeup my mind wich 1 to get what do use lads think would be the best buy it will use for lamping fox and rabbits thanks
  10. aye got cream 1 time it was very good cant mind the name of it
  11. mean not big 23 to 25 no biger that for me
  12. welldone lad thats a nice bitch wat in her
  13. nice lad what way is she bred credit 2 you
  14. might be sum bull in there he nice looking is he on the reds
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