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Everything posted by foxlamper80

  1. pass my driving theory today now for the driving well pleas bring it on

  2. its good crack toad hunting my owl lurcher bitch use to swallow them all u saw was the back legs disappearing
  3. i know a boy he blew down the syringe and shot back in to his month we call him wank the dog now
  4. fair play mate that's a nice haul of rabbits
  5. sorry to hear that mate r.i.p
  6. that's a nice stamp of dogs how much bull is him
  7. i lost 3 pups using panacur as well
  8. woke up to 8 new pups this morning

    1. christian71



    2. foxlamper80


      i brought them in myself for a bit heat lad hard times lol

  9. he should be fit the season is just over are do you not run him through the winter
  10. my mate has half XS very it is very heavy sett just starting on the lamp and hes not doing to bad but we will find out next season when the real graft starts
  11. sorry to hear that mate hope every thing works out OK
  12. well done mate nice [bANNED TEXT] up as well
  13. anybody know wear to download free antivirus

    1. buster 8789

      buster 8789

      i use avast its free and ive had no problems yet

    2. blackpack


      download.com, all free stuff on there to help you out

    3. eddiej35


      Avast is a good free one , comodo is the best free anti virus at this present time. dont download the comodo geek buddy though .

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  14. Did he not own a pitbull called PAISLY. he could of done fat man i think your right
  15. off out on the piss bring on the bulmers

  16. never thought Jerry Adams was into his terriers
  17. you need to pit some manners in to the wife my ins was the same but she is well train now dossing even go out to back yard now
  18. my fist working dog was a whippet grey she was no world beater but she caught her fair share
  19. well done mate looks like u had good day
  20. any body working lakeland border crosses who do use rate and any pictures would be nice to thanks fl80
  21. good post mast i am sure your Granada is proud of and your dogs
  22. i am running farther further daughter and auntie
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