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Everything posted by foxlamper80

  1. I have myins bout five years an its still going strong hope to get this season out of her to
  2. I have two lakeys and there are as different as day and night to each other one is as hard as nails and the other is a a bayer
  3. Thanks for the replys lads the we dog had his operation and is doing well so fingers crossed he works again
  4. Has any body on hear ever dug to a three leg terrier I ask this because my dog got a bad doing with a lurcher an my have to lose his front leg
  5. Well done mate nice terrier to
  6. Had a whippet that would get stuck in with another dog but she could never do 1 on her own would of took her a week to finish it
  7. Any body on hear loss a lurcher bitch arround derry northenireland if so get in touch she's in my pens
  8. Dose not matter whats in him mate aslongs as he dose his job and makes you happy
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