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Everything posted by rickymac14

  1. Can you send me a picture please thanks
  2. Fox digger you thick pric8 of course not!! you think he was tie in @ 6 weeks old or something? neil paid good money for him when he was 2 1/2 yrs old get a life and go post sh88 somewhere else! this is rev will go only to working home thanks and yes he has lined more then 6 as stud dog prob double that now in 3 years we have had him, we have 19 dogs at present only 4 dogs so have to be carfull
  3. some so called dog owners are a f88cking joke!!

  4. My father in law has a Plummer terrier stud dog for sale solid dog classic collared type reason for sale is we brought him to line are bitches as we have 6bitches makes sense to buy a dog due to how expensive stud fees are! We have had him 3 years But now his daughters are coming of age so need to sale Plummer and bring in new blood different line, anybody that is interested in working plummers with papers please ring Neil 07860 247 612 for photos of dogs in action email me and I will send them thou rickymac14@hotmail.co.uk
  5. How much, location, colour could get more personal interest mate
  6. Thanks for info guys I think I will put her in with the lads for a but see what happens
  7. Is there such a jab that brings bitches into season? And has anyone ever does this? And gone on to have a healthy litter? Is it actually worth it? Pros & cons please thank you.
  8. hi there i am offering a lovely home for a dog sappling to 3yrs old dog. he will be coming to work with me as i have over 70 acres of land so he will not be bored!! he will diff not be bored on weekends as iam always out with my dogs. if you have to much on or your home/work circumstances have changed i could be the help you need. home visits photos or call for more details are available thank ricky 07979594373.
  9. your be fine as long as they see you as a alfa because what you say should go so harsh commands will put dogs in there place i have 4 dogs 15 bitches and they are fine apart from my plummer stud dog who would shag a frog if the frog stopped hopping long enough.little sh8t
  10. any one got a contact number for whippet racing in maidstone? thanks
  11. got 20+ dog so here is a few pics just missing the mastif[
  12. Any body know when whippet racing season starts? For kent
  13. [NO TEXT TALK] no when the season starts in Kent thanks ?
  14. does anyone know when the new season starts??? kent.
  15. black bitch is a now a new member of the pack!

    1. judge2010


      no need for the racism.

  16. Ya she is a good little dog only 12" tall but plummers are notorious little f88kers with other jacks has to be seperated to avoid her and my patts trying to kill each other ok if am there but as soon as i aint looking they all try to rip each other apart but aint to bad if only them two are out but if all 6 are its like f88king pearl harbour japs vs yanks around my yard!
  17. she dont stop all day around the yard she is f88cked at night time
  18. lilly springer is 3,1/2 billy bob bog linesn steve wanstall breed, sky is 2yrs old blue whippet got her from holywell wales glen lines, jazz plummer terrier 3yrs old got her from scotland a right little shit!!!
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