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Everything posted by rickymac14

  1. yes biblo lovely dog and a very good worker, yes ewan very nice bloke and someone who cares about the breed!
  2. The time has come to breed my plummer bitch and after a lot of chats and searching i set my heart on a lovely dog with loads of character call bill, after a shaky start maybe because of the noise levels at northampton service station we moved to a nearby field where after 10 minutes of hellos they knotted after that a pheasant 3 rabbits and a swim all for bill who was prob shagged out lol goo lad will keep as many sites updated on how this when hope it worked loving the breed!
  3. Small plummer terriers best for me
  4. cheers for the reply but think you are a bit far away mate where are you based mate? newcastle upon tyne alice does £70 pick ups? off here i got my whippet from wales off here
  5. does every one still dew claw a terrier?
  6. I've got an 8month old lad last one left brushing and picking up and retrieve quiet good for his age very good breed his dad is steadroc staddle stones quality dog and my father in law owns the bitch it's on epupz Dover Kent give him a ring 07860247612 his name is Neil he will prob do a deal caz been messed a bout with this lad lovely dog as well if you want pictures send me your email address n can send some. Ricky
  7. Who was the lad selling lure machines on here?
  8. Thats the coolest looking puppy i have scene for years! atb macca
  9. topic index | author index | special index Bibliographic Entry Result (w/surrounding text) Standardized Result Giancoli, Douglas C. Physics. 247. "A rabbit travels 4.0 km in 3.5 h. What is its average speed m/s?" 0.32 m/s Rabbits & Hares. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2001. "The fastest of the rabbits and hares, Jack rabbits achieve speeds of about 70 km/h (about 45 mph) and can …." 20 m/s Rabbit and Hare Hunting In Ontario. huntont.com. "To escape predators the [Eastern Cottontail] rely on a burst of speed (30 mph) and a zig zag motion to evade predators however it c
  10. It sm wifes horse field but we only live 50 yards away and pretty much every one around here knows its are field so iam guessing its kids having a crack at it from over the hill but dint think about horses or the dogs or nothing. ya she good i got her off if and decided to blame the nearset dog the little crank!! just little roughed up under thoart thats all
  11. out with the dogs this morning working horse field when i noticed my plummer bitch coughing. she had a shi8 made snare around her neck from some arse setting them in horse field! I would rather someone ask! then do them and leave them lying about some people are actually clue less any way on a good note my tan bitch kay saluki-grey who had 9 pups 8 weeks ago is looking good after that amount of puppies hanging off her! brought her condition real low, looked like shi8 , but had her off last 3 boys - 10 days now and she is looking loads better. starting to tone up abit with bit more meat in h
  12. maybe rat pack or fox dogs but not my running dogs worth to much
  13. same as before better pictures this time ring neil £100
  14. And if you read the thread it's said my father in law has for sale silly ball locks I breed and work whippets and springers my father in law does terriers and salukis
  15. These will be awesome hunting dogs all game will be hunted with true grit! These puppies shouldn't be missed out on guys won't be around long as I have this breed and are a solid breed mine is now retired as the old boy is 11 years old in April! Good luck Kevin nice litter
  16. i will have to have a look at his papers later and put them on here tonight for you not much earth work but i dont think he would find this a problem as he is a strong dog
  17. ya a little bit like him has more of a cap around his neck i would of got better picture but by the time bitches were taking out then rev and others it was dark ish i have a couple of bitches in season so have to be careful atm because he would shag a frog if it stopped hopping long enough.
  18. He has been ratting a lot with the others and he is a hard little shi8 , isnt the best brushing dog but loves the smoker and rats haha
  19. He has been ratting a lot with the others and he is a hard little shi8 , isnt the best brushing dog but loves the smoker and rats haha
  20. Good laugh! What's that bloke on about! Stupid goat!
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