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Everything posted by rickymac14

  1. Bull mix is out of bitch whos sire was black poppy ribbon x charlie fern = charlie was bull x greyhound big hard as f88k dog , Dams dam was pure black saluki which was my father in laws & that done a lot of courseing & betting on her but they were all top notch dogs alot of them from the traveling lads that settled in kent. This is the sire brother who has a lot more feather on him.
  2. got to change that thats on epupz f88k no why it says collie meant to be saluki x saluki but there is no collie in them what so ever never owns one never will.
  3. sire 25tts dam 23tts My camera is sha77ed but there actual same as last year lad from on here just come down from norfolk & brought two dogs for deer cousring so at least there going to a working home which is what i want. will get pics up all parti solid tan & white left 3 of them have solid tan with bit of white 2 of them the other way. Lovely pups thou.
  4. Hi all, This is a repeat litter to the litter we had last year which they all turn out top notch looking & working pups . All 6 of my bitches was bought & sold to courser in Holland, keep 2 back & 1 sold local. You can see pups from last year as I keep 1 of each sex they good solid dogs young dogs and are happy learning. Dam = Ruby Lines. Sire = Jan jack x Ruby lune. There are people on here that can vouch for the sire & i will the bitch she is the best bitch i have ever had barr none 100% all game & soft as muck. There are bitchs & dogs left
  5. Hi all, ive just got off the phone and there has been 2 litters of spaniels stolen today. The one litter is all black and tan Cocker pups, they are very few and far between. The second litter are springers and have both L&W and B&W pups. They are 8 weeks old and from Will Clulee's Kennels, fantastic pedigree's and were going to their new homes this weekend. As you can imagine he is very upset and believes they were taken around 3:30pm as he was out training, if you can cross post or tell anyone who may be able to post it in other forums he would be very greatful. If it was easy it
  6. Hi there my father-in laws is having a clear out due to his age etc some good dogs some of them i have taken on & turned out crackers 1) Rev Plummer terrier has been on here beforeup for £100 but didnt go so offers? good dog check pics out 2) Mick & his pup, straight saluki he is the dog on my avatar white & tan his puppy is exactly the same would like them to go as a pair & MUST GO TO WORKING HOMES ONLY. They are working dogs not pets. Paid £700 for sire as a pup so offers for the sire £100 for pup PM me for neils number i have parted with these there not mine so he w
  7. sorry been in scotland this weekend like i said no offer's £300?? I have paid more for a lurcher. sorry mate.
  8. She is from coopermow x strike while the irons hot so sooty sam lord of the knight lauguna very good lines £550.00p for her at the stage & trainging she has had is a very fair price.
  9. Hi there sorry to say I am selling my blue whippet bitch she is 19 1/2" lovely deep blue, she has raced but i brought her for working lamping & ratting. Never bred from her she is into her 2nd season now 2yrs old in august- Full paper work & vet book with her Time & change of hobbies forces sale- There is nothing wrong with her at all & she is like a s**t off a shovel good homes only apply, very good strike rate with rabbits & longears, Very good early pace & good stamina with brilliant top end, jumps, & retrieve's I am based in kent but am willing to ha
  10. Sire FTW Beggarbush Boris(FTCH Cheweky Wolf x FTCH Steadrock Setlands) Dam FTW Rosebay Classic (FTCH Clarburgh Art x FTCH Rytex Riffs) top pedigree. both parents have won novice trial and also have open trial awards for them both. pups are all liver and white with very eye catching markings.and lots of action, They are kc reg, docked, and will be micro chipped. should make excellent trialing or working dogs,Pictures available via e-mail or phone messaging, Dogs 400 Bitches 500. Ready 30th July Contact Information Name: Jonathon Andrew Street Address: Keepers cottage City: Caerhays
  11. where abouts in kent are you
  12. You have got to be the most idiotic person I have ever laid eyes on!! He was 8 months old of course he will want to chase rabbits! U serious or what? It's about training the dog until he is about 24 months old u c8ck , as for scared of traffic he was born n raised on a livery n scaffold yard with constant contact to people n traffic what are you on about? Idiot !
  13. like i said pig your was expecting a dog that could cook you breakfast and clean the house for £250.00 you got yourself a good strain of working dog, but you couldnt train a dog to sit let aloan to fetch or hunt your the shit!! you thick f88k the dogs not even 10 months yet and it is his fault ya right o your such a loser you have to spent time on dogs.. slowly slowly with gun dogs not everything in one week you to88er!! ps this lad txed me after just one week of having an 8 month old puppy saiding he was useless!!!! are you joking me? nobody sell this bloke a dog because if it dont f88k
  14. HI last two lads for sale sire:ruby x jan jacks dam: casper x poppy lines, sire saluki dam saluki x saluki bull. one white parti and one brown dog left out of litter of 9 will make very good allrounders parents and grand parents can be scene bargain £150.00 for good working homes all jabbed and wormed up to date 11 weeks old now and full of it!! Last E.S.S to no fault of his own ess boy 10 months old been messed about with him but lovely dog good little worker needs the 1-1 now to bring good standard out of him father steadroc staddle stones Dam: i own lovely bitch good over rough shooti
  15. If you pay £500 for a plummer terrier and it does want you want it to its money well spent! i know people who spent fortunes of terriers and some who spent pennies i think it depends on the person you are and how you feel about a particular breed, some of my friends have spent £600+ on borders crazy but they love them and wouldnt have [NO TEXT TALK] say a bad word against them also i think it depends alot of the location of the seller some dogs are more common in places then others, depends what you like but this bloke is 100% in it for the do unless he is genuine and did pay that much and i
  16. your get £300 tops for a trained cross like that no matter how much you talk it up
  17. Thanks for the effort and time to write what you think i could do much apericated ATB ricky
  18. Want to get into the gundog world a bit more then iam now and want to watch how others train and do bits with there dogs? not looking for free lessons just trying to learn more as doing this myself will prob f88k the dog up i am based in south kent but will travel.looking for some sort of events so i can go and watch without feeling like i am not welcome thank you. ricky
  19. Hi all, i know this may sound simple to some of you guys but i rescued a 4 1/2 year old springer well i call it rescued because it was my mums and she brought the dog off working parents and as you could imagine the bitch just wanted to work and got bored at home so i decided i would take her on and try and do something with her as she has a brilliant work ethic. The only problem is that she will brush until her feet bleed or you have to go home loves working woods and low shrubs etc.. when i take her out and try and get her to retieve dummys no no she wont even put them in her mon
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