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Everything posted by slogger
15 siteings at least and thats just me ... there isnt just one fox ... Trapping would be easy as i have the gear to make a trap out of an old dog cage BUT ... what to do with it once trapped ... How do you despatch a fox without a rifle / shotgun ? i know how i'd despatch of it. have alook round for the dens and get some terrier men of here who also have a rifle or shotgun. There are no visible dens this is a housing estate ? will the foxes be living elsewhere or will they have dens nearby ? how far do these animals travel to feed
Get a rapid 7 .22 or .25 = hard hitting ... fitted with a moderator and if you can afford it then buy Some night vision ... Excellent tool and far better than a shotgun in my opinion ... fac rapid even more so
15 siteings at least and thats just me ... there isnt just one fox ... Trapping would be easy as i have the gear to make a trap out of an old dog cage BUT ... what to do with it once trapped ... How do you despatch a fox without a rifle / shotgun ?
Read somewhere that the cameras wont flash until you hit 42 mph in a 30 zone .... Google is your friend ... I will do a mooch and see if i can find the info ( new scamera rules see ) HERE you go ... might be bollox might not http://www.chicken-strips.co.uk/content.php?175-Speeding-awareness-course-charges-to-increase-in-a-bid-to-save-camera-network Keep us posted on what happens
Total bollox though isnt it ... Wait wait ... no its still total bollox
Is it too late to hide your dog ? ...that is if the police actually decide to take it off you ... it ran away
Do you really know where your kids go at night ? they might tell you that they are going to a mates house but in all reality they might just be doing some really dangerous activity like sex/ drugs ... I was a strict father and I can tell you with my hand on my heart that they still pulled the wool over my eyes at times .... 3 sons thankfully no daughters as I would have been bricking it letting her out on these streets The crimes done to these white girls is an obvious racist crime yet no media has said this YET ... all they say is its a cultrual problem ? f**k no its racism .... try datin
We are getting a massive influx of foxes in lemington ne158al ... I mentioned this to the local council who thought they where lovely animals and best left alone ? Trouble is they are now coming out in daylight ALL the time .... I have no tools to shoot them and would be in trouble anyway as its a housing estate ( no open ticket ) The other day was the last straw .... lass has just moved in 4 doors away ... she was chucking some gear out of the house old mattress etc when she saw this ... I had time to get my phone out and take the vid ... I didnt realise what she was worried about s
Is the right answer ...I know a lot of people who have this type of dog and always will regardless of who says they can or cant chiuaua ... not much use for much but they have been around for a long time then theres the sheepdog ... been around for a long time ... then theres the Lydney Dog or irish wolfhound been around since roman times ... 100 years is nothing try the husky they have been around for at least 3000 years
You have a pm terrierone
I have the same sentiment ... the quality of both makers is very apparant ....... Shake hands and move on would be a cracking start to a new year
This was used to put people off buying meat of a few cows that where slaughered on the town moor years ago , they said the cattle had just had a jab and therefore was unfit to eat , didnt stop the whole estate having a cracking joint of beef on sunday mind you Rustling ? is that the name of it , do we have cowboy rustlers in the uk , i know we have cowboy sparkies / gas fitters
slogger replied to BLUCHER's topic in General Talk
Put me down as the north east contingent as i hate these sort of people , but the method of choice for me might be something more stealthy , Anyone know where i can get a flask of liquid nitrogen -
Why would he be carrying that amount of cash and dont you think it was curious how the robber lucked into such an amount , inside information by one of the friends who was allegedly shot at me thinks Maybe ? maybe not but it stinks of collusion
Calling Main man a grass for looking out for his country is a bit too much isnt it , fck me come on and wake up you woman We all have to do our duty to stop people sponging of us and if that means dobbing in some foreign jockey thats over here taking the piss then so be it . What happened to british jobs for british workers eh If it was up to me i would forcefully repatriate all of these mooching foreigners asap and fck the consequences , we need to instill some pride into our own youngsters to get off their arses and work yours sincerely slogger aka grass and proud of it ( rep
The most ignorant people i know are the liberal lefties that totally ignore the wishes of the indiginous people of Great Britain , be they nu labia / tory wankers / lib dems , all of them are out for what they can get with their snouts in the troff of our taxes , all of them are ignorant to what the majority of Britain wants , who asked us if we wanted multicuntturalism NO ONE . Who asked us if we wanted to be in the eu NO ONE , and dont confuse the common market as the eu please as its a different beast Adding to the list those ignorant people that cry RACIST when you say no more imm
What is so wrong with being working class ? if you work for a living no matter who you are then you are working class be you a binman or a doctor or a politician you are WORKING CLASS , those that think otherwise are deluding themselves . There are only a few elite that have the privelidge of being anything other than working class and they are the puppet masters ie the lords What britain needs is what the swedish have , real democracy where we have referendums on the affairs of state ie the eu etc etc ad infinitum This country needs a good kick up the arse and the mps need to get i
This isnt the first time that immigrants have taken the mickey out of us , those liberal left pinkoes that allow this to happen should be named / shamed then sacked , i dont want a multicultural society and if you do what about my rights , who asked me if it was ok to allow so many immigrant moochers into out fair isle There is only one way to stop the tide of scum coming here and thats to vote in a party that will do its best to rid our shores of these unwanted moochers , Vote for the BNP they are britains only hope now
Hi dogger , didnt where else to put this , just a heads up on the reciept for my proof of postage , means nowt i spose but at least you will know for sure i sent you something eh
probably £5 would cover it send me a mobile number and i,ll send some pics How would sir like to be payed
That sounds like a sport of kings for sure
Any photos of said boots please , how much would it be to post them to ne15
Surely someone can take this hound in , i mean look at it , cant you make a kennel and keep her outside , your daughter will be ok then As for no one knowing who the previous owners are ? was she a stray or summit
Are you a taxidermist ? i was thinking of getting my old dog done am i weird
Now i didnt know that bit about them being anyone over 21 , i always thought they had to be some sort of proffesional Does this apply to fac too