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Everything posted by Tesco

  1. what % is the dam Im reading it as bull/grey [50%x50%]x whippet, giving 1/2 grey 1/4 bull 1/4 whippet as above earlier post says
  2. 1/8th whippet, 1/8th staff, 1/4 bull, 1/2 greyhound or 12.5% whippet 12.5% staff, 25% bull 50% greyhound
  3. Diddycye stuff is not T.B's just happens to be behind his stuff
  4. You're right of course Bolio, I was thinking of T.B's stuff which you know has a lot of the Diddycye blood behind them
  5. Some good lines in the North of Ireland, Didddycye being 1
  6. Lot of bull blood in them or there was a few years ago, dont know if he has the same blood he had befor he left rhondda
  7. Tried to buy the badge off the site it wont let me says something about "enabling cookies" what does that mean, is there another way to get the badge online
  8. Anyone know the % of bull blood in T.P's Wheatens
  9. BSA Superten .22, 10 shot mag, illuminated mil dot sights, canvass fleece lined bag, 12 ltr 300 bar bottle, sold as 1 lot £350
  10. Tesco


    Good luck to the EDL lads today hope ypou can get your views across to more of the general public
  11. Tesco


    The pakis have run the EDL every demo, hope the EDL show more spine in bradford
  12. Do you know the breeding of the Wheaten part of the dog, if you do could you p.m it to me please
  13. Muslim husbands with more than one wife to get extra benefits as ministers recognise polygamy Husbands living in a "harem" with multiple wives have been cleared to claim state benefits for all their different partners. A Muslim man with four spouses - which is permitted under Islamic law - could receive £10,000 a year in income support alone. He could also be entitled to more generous housing and council tax benefit, to reflect the fact his household needs a bigger property. Ministers have decided that, even though bigamy is a crime in Britain, polygamous marriages can be rec
  14. Tesco


    Why waste chemicals, just castrate the b*****d
  16. I wouldnt believe a word he said after what he did to F.S
  17. Tesco


    I think the advertising will cover the cost of the site, still good to get a fiver off people wanting to sell dogs
  18. He knew exactly what he was doing, f*****g scum
  19. My mate just shifted a litter of 7 average ped staffs £450 each
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