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Everything posted by Tesco

  1. Reported in the Telegraph this week, out of 56 men convicted of gang rape since 1997 50 were muslims, 3 white 3 non white.....frightening figures considering muslims make up approx 4% of the population but 16 times more have been done for gang rapes than whites
  2. Prophet Mohammad said the remaining silent is consent relates to a girl over the age of twelve and specifically refers to marriage. sex out side marriage is not permitted in islam and certainly no child would be permitted to be abused under any circumstance. people who commit the heanous crimes do so irrespective of what law says whether islamic or any other law. These animals abusing White British children see themselves in a state of war with the uk, would you like to tell us what muslim males are allowed to do to "that which their right hand posseses" you are being very selective
  3. Prophet Mohammad said the remaining silent is consent relates to a girl over the age of twelve and specifically refers to marriage. sex out side marriage is not permitted in islam and certainly no child would be permitted to be abused under any circumstance. people who commit the heanous crimes do so irrespective of what law says whether islamic or any other law. These animals abusing White British children see themselves in a state of war with the uk, would you like to tell us what muslim males are allowed to do to "that which their right hand posseses"
  4. The fact is little girls as young as 6 dont have to give thier consent, mohamhed said if they remain silent its as good as consent
  5. Where in the koran does it state this
  6. Where did you get that from! Tried to post the link but the site wont let me
  7. Out of 59 men convicted of gang rape in the few years 56 have been ASIAN and 3 WHITE
  8. why dont someone just post the whole story instead of this fecking about
  9. So hern, what are the facts, how come the bloke who had his dog stole took money off the bloke who was supposed to have stole it
  10. Have you got a link to this
  11. Tesco


    No white folk got the stomach for it
  12. No such thing as breed purity in working terriers if you look hard enough and far enough back
  13. White lakelands = white coloured dogs from lakeland parentage or ancestry, not too difficult
  14. Is there any mention of the Scottish dogs in the book
  15. You've made some good points, theres too many people going to uni studying bullshit courses that will get them nowhere in life, the top 10-15% of the brightest kids should be in uni getting decent meaningful degrees, medicine engineering teaching etc, the rest of the lazy twats should be earning a living from the age 16
  16. Tesco

    legal issues?

    Sites like this will be used to tighten up legislation already in place, there are antis collecting info off this site and giving it to M.P's and other interested parties, some people will never learn though
  17. Are you the same Tony who paid Gordon Mason £700 for a terrier(whisky)knowing full well the dog had spewed because you were told it had before you bought it
  18. Welcome to THL, you've paid your fiver thats all that matters
  19. I did 15 years in the pits, RIP to them boys
  20. I dont know the owners of them terriers on that video but that dont make the terriers any less shit
  21. Well someone had to take the blame when the written fairy tales didn’t come true , I’d rather of had Monty in my kennel than Vicky !!! The truth will come out 1 day, someone might write a book about it all...
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