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Everything posted by toddhunter

  1. same terrier judge done the duke of buccleugh show few yrs back n said to the guy in class "mate your dog only has one knacker the owner said hope not its a bitch "lol lol at that show he was more into drinkin stella than judgen
  2. was down had gd day the boy won res champ with his russell dog as marty said thought dogs n bitches in at same time daft
  3. yeah john winches show at blanchland the durham and northumberland show
  4. lenny top guy used him few times and aidan's the same top blokes n gd sized trucks
  5. i can see clips on here usein puter but not when i use mob might be that baw if ur on ur mob not sure bud
  6. this one tuffty?? http://youtu.be/Mnr6vbjh1Ms
  7. is this the car crash tv ur lookin for????
  8. SPECIAL OFFER: Buy the Ridgeline Roar II Jacket and Trousers in Teak for only £179.99 with Free UPS Next Day Delivery Use Voucher Code ROARDEAL at checkout to recieve this offer. All Sizes in Stock Scott Country, 221-223 King Street, Castle Douglas, Scotland, DG7 1DT (0)1556 503 175 they do lots of gear bud
  9. there was five pupz in young dogs litter 3 were given to mates to work for me the runt went to a guy who shots said he wanted it for bloodtrailin for shot deer dont know how its comein on not heard n this one we have will be sent down to a mate who does work wa a pack of hounds so hopefully fingers crossed they make it work wise
  10. old dog has been worked n did well two bitches are also been worked young dog is just over a yr old
  11. the old dog when he was about 16/17mths he's comein 8 now
  12. Todhunter ,Why? the need to take the Pics of as i said to tam in a pm the reason the pics were taken off is that ive had people tryin to claim that my old dog has been used to sire a few litters of pupz
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