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Everything posted by chrismdd

  1. Good session out but as regards the wind on the trees in the first picture it looks dead calm.
  2. Great shooting in challenging conditions.
  3. Very good bag from a great combination of competent shooter and the S410.
  4. This morning, all is peaceful:
  5. I used to take a few from my garden before I built up my permissions. Now my garden is a safe haven, got the trail-cam out there now taking pictures of woodies, jacdaws, magpies and squirrels that come in everyday to feed on grain I put out for them. Its a bit odd because I try to entice them in to avoid going two doors up where a neighbour has a larsen trap out and a trap for squirrels. However, I do take them in my parents garden, but then it is seven acres.
  6. Perfect shot placement, hope you're going to turn it into something tasty.
  7. I can only see three but I'm sure there are more but my mind is too busy salivating over that pie to look any further. Great pictures.
  8. Great shooting. I do like natural wood stocks and not keen on black plastic stuff, but this stock of yours is growing on me every time I see it and it does blend in so well.
  9. Again good shooting with the FWB, gives me more confidence to persevere with mine.
  10. Great shooting or from the evidence of the fresh tyre track it could be roadkill?
  11. Top shooting with the open sights.
  12. Nice write-up, shooting and day for it. Finishing work at 11:30 I wish.
  13. Mostly natural hide as its a big hollowed out hedge in a ditch. All I really did was sit back and work out how much of the nettles to slice off to give me a letterbox view of the wires. The quarry has no idea that I'm there as it is so dark looking back into that part of the hedge.
  14. A rare opportunity saw me out for a quick hour during the working week. So with work completed and family matters sorted it was a time to grab the S410 and head down to the natural hide in the hedge that would be nice and cool in this lovely weather. The target tonight was some woodies to make a game pie. Out rabbit shooting last week I noticed that a few were coming into the pylons prior to roosting. Creeping into the hedge I spied a half-grown rabbit on the other side at just over 30 yds. Due to the height of the nettles it required a standing shot with no sticks so I was pleased to
  15. Good walkabout and a nice mixture of quarry taken.
  16. Yet another good mixed bag especially the rats and the ferals for the muck they produce. Not too sure about the jackdaw as I used to have one as a pet when I was a kid and round here they do no damage (now I've blocked off the chimney). But if they are a nuisance on your permission then all well and good.
  17. Nice trip out and some good cover there to hold a lot of game hopefully.
  18. That's great Mark, proving the effectiveness of the FWB. I got some of those JSBs that you recommended and I was getting some okay groupings but kept getting too many flyers to make me feel confident enough to tackle live game yet. I got a feeling there may be some scope creep so will do some more trials over the coming weeks with some possible scope changes.
  19. A good mixed bag for a short session.
  20. Top shooting, crop should fair better now.
  21. Busy week at work and with a social commitment on Saturday night, Friday night would be my only chance to get out. Unfortunately a band of cloud and heavy rain looked like it was set in for the evening but at just after 7pm a rainbow signalled that there may be a chance. So quickly grabbed the gear and headed out. Drove partway up the track scattering baby rabbits in all directions and stopped to see an adult feeding in the entrance to the field so as quietly as possible I managed to get out of the truck and stalk up to it and put it in the bag, picked it up and looking to my left saw anot
  22. Totally excellent. Watching cubs play is so entertaining, and I bet they appreciated you sharing your bag.
  23. Cheers guys, will start reading up on these. Many thanks.
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