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Everything posted by farmboy99

  1. still for sale volitial mrs has forced withdraw fair enough though we have got some major bills to contend with and i SUPPOSE they come first good luck with sale cam, top bloke
  2. nice, at the moment it's seen steve pope from what im told and it shoots lovely so am pretty chuffed with it maybe in years to come i may go visit him but for minute it's a winner
  3. my names tom mate i have talked to you a few times before doesnt mater though yeah shay asked to buy it off me after i brought it its not going anywhere though i love it too much. i dont know who tony wall is?is he a air arms man?
  4. what scope is it mate? is it this? http://www.ecost.com/detail.aspx?edp=45887207&source=EWBBASE&cm_mmc=CSE-_-google-_-ewbbase-_-Sports&CAWELAID=366999023 could do with a name to it cheers tom
  5. it is a bit of balls up isnt it lovely boots im really tempted i could do with some decent ones only got my steelies now and theyre neither comfy nor properly waterproof. just a lot of buncies to go on my feet. but i suppose if they last 10 years its blatently worth it. have to see if i can get funds up
  6. whats the prosport like to cock? i've always wondered ive never actually seen one up close before the cocking arm is sort of hidden isnt it
  7. here's pic, i didnt even know that thumhole versions existed until i saw this for sale!
  8. nice gun si! going to knock a vid or too up for springers? happpy hunting with it. i just picked up a really sweet hw97kt ill get a pic put up of it came with a decent ags scope, 2 tins of pellets, decent gun slip and it's been v mach tuned it also is only 2 months old and mint, was £300 which i think was a real bargain too! was private so no real insurance initially but turned out the guy was a really sound bloke and guns totally genuine as he is and he's sneding me a couple of spare springs and few other bits he found from previous weihrauchs he's had. it's a beauty to shoot wit
  9. best off putting this in the wanted section mate, good scope by the way ive got the 3-9x50 and im pretty happy with it
  10. ive heard good things but cant speak from experience. ive found edgar brothers to be pretty good for the money and aparently jsr are a good budget scope too. but like i say ive heard quite a few people big up the centerpoints. are you finding you dont get on with it too well?
  11. i got one fitted mate, theyre excellent really nice to use lot better than i expected. good luck with it all
  12. 180 delivered its at bottom of ad mate
  13. .177 used to use .22 then converted becuase i dont have fac i think .177 is best for me. if i had a 30ft/lb gun then id swith to .22 but the extra range i have with the smaller pellet matters to me. i used .20 for a bit but had to sell the gun as i was broke still got 5 tins of .20 if anyone wants them? ive heard .20 is the best hunting pellet but dont know whether thats true or not. at the end of the day if you hit it in the head it's f%"(^)ed so long as its not a stupid 90 yard shot
  14. ive always used domed to great effect i did use flats once but they never really made much of a difference to me from what i can remember. i think they may have been less accurate too but it was a loonggg time ago so have forgotten i may try them again just to see what happens. id think they'd be worse for birds but better for rabbits but thats just my idea of it. as domed would penertrate plumage better in my imagination although in practice might be total rubbish think i will get a tin got me curious again now!
  15. you can get adaptors shay mate. i use a wiehrauch and it's excellent although i have never used a silencer on a gas ram i think it may be a bit of a lost cause? but im not sure worth a go. i think i have a spare adaptor kicking about i could try to dig out for you it's a 1/2'' thread to slip on as in you could put a screw on silencer onto a gun without thread. let me know if youd like it and ill have a rummage for ya cheers tom
  16. sorry to hear youre having to sell up mate. what type of scope is it and is it a harris bipod? thanks
  17. i got a set from halfords the other day that were v good
  18. mine cost 50 new theyre rally warm and comfy worth 30 definatly
  19. nice have a good trip mate its a mad city
  20. crease up i thought you had mate sure you werent just steamin?
  21. theyre trash in my opinion but you cant knock a freebie hey!
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