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Everything posted by farmboy99

  1. so was this gun on fac then mate? i thought once theyre on they cannot come off? i spoke to coppers about it as i wanted a diana 54 off a bloke but it was fac and i dont have one so i asked could i take spring out and then buy but he told me once its on it cannot come off. stupid law but it does exist. it must be anti tamper at that age too? or was it a air arms extra? cheers tom
  2. that pike was in the 's by the way doubt theres anything like that left in there now
  3. jesus thats a monster!! ive only caught a 14 just a tiddler compared to that have to get out fishing again soon havent been for literally years its not good! my old man caught a 28 3/4 lb pike in the river test just down the road from where we were living at the time he was keeper on the stretch. right monster ill try to get pic on here somehow
  4. aparently it does but i always thought it would be the opposite was round lighter it is the more fps and thus power but i suppose power is relative to weight of pellet so its all a bit confusing to me would be interested in it being explained
  5. i have a customer who might be interested could you email me some pics of a finished one ill show her and get back to you mate
  6. i had a bullbarrel s10 for a while but i really didnt get on with it didnt like the weight distribution but its totally personal. youll see from the vids si doesnt mess about with his theyre extremely accurate in the right hands. best off having a look and feel of a few guns down a decent gun shop nothing beats that really. they're excellent rifles if it does feel right
  7. as said theyre a top make of rifle nice present wish my grand dad was as nice all i got off him was a swollen ear when i visited miserable old git he was
  8. sorry just remembered its on airgunforum not pw also it has had a bit done to it so yeah yours is probably worth between 4-500 you got good deal whatever happens
  9. pigeonwatch is quite good theres one on there for 495 at the moment if i remember right and it probably doesnt come with as much stuff
  10. sounds like you got a very good deal on that mate with all that gear i'd sell for £400 personally
  11. while on the subject i just sold one that had a spring inside it!? any ideas on that? it was matt black didnt ever try it to see how good it was i thought it looked like a aa one but wasnt sure? flat end on it bit of a pain to put back together too!
  12. take up zinis offer be a spot on gun for him cant beat them just match them
  13. one more pic didnt mention this is the type that had the shrouded barrel probably clear to see but thought i'd say. thanks
  14. right didnt want to have to do this but tax man has made me as far as im aware a fairly rare chance to buy a theoben scirocco 2000 in .20 and excellent condition. this is a really lovely gun to shoot, really well balanced and nice to use if it doesnt sell i will keep for good. It uses the theoben gas ram system. check out reviews on net: http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews-all-143.html#tabs-menu This is an excellent bit of kit comes fitted with hawke reflex scopes, a fleece lined gunslip and i think it's a walnut stock certainly isnt beech any help welcomed on that, its ambide
  15. its really tempting but hounestly its just the same as my musto whisper jacket if it were a prohunter id have it for sure if i come into a bit of money and you still have it ill give you a shout good luck with sale either way mate
  16. right bit strange was fiddling with the screw it seemed go up in power when turned anti clockwise as expected but then once it reached a certain point went down again? not dramatically but a bit? this wasnt at 15 or anything either it was 11.5 im happy as it is just wondered why it does that?
  17. nightmere gary! better luck next time mate i went straight over the head of a rabbit that was literally 20 yards the other night managed to get 2 that night though i always find im rubbish at close range always go under or over need more practic!!
  18. aas410 carbine would be my choice for you mate. you dont want anything too bulky and long if your in a truck. if your shooting off a quad id use a shotgun to be hounest be a bit mental using an airgun for that i think but each to there own. get a decent second had aa i would cheers tom
  19. cheers shay just got set it under 12 anymore and it'll not only be illegal im guessing it will damage the gun too? was putting out 9lb before looking forward to taking her out tommorrow! should have increased range by a noticably amount!
  20. i probably wouldnt of been able to resist setting him straight not in a violent way just calmly explain pests need management and if he didnt understand that he should stay in the city centre and the f**k out the countryside
  21. thanks mate ive just found out its a dust screw lol idiot the actual adjuster is a grub screw underneath it! right im off to play hopefully get it back up to power!!
  22. im 6ft and 17 stone is it likely this is going to fit? might be interested if so im not fat just have very big shoulders and arms cheers
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