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desert hunter

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Everything posted by desert hunter

  1. AND A SENSE OF HUMOUR I LIKE YOU,angel delight hunter scottish and witty dont go in hand and hand pal.........angel delight hunter lolol that was pathetic actually you made me laugh at the patheticness keep it up
  2. baw you worried to death about getting booted off this site, because you use it to expose fellow dog men..............shame on you
  3. honest baw and benny like lou and andy off little britain, benny why did you have that ice cream stuck to your forehead?
  4. Darren, why did you pretend to know what was what up here? we know what your about you know it and we know it only person that dont is benny but he slathers loads so i take no heed of him to be honest
  5. benny honest you a whippet grey man you should keep as low profile as possible
  6. no shit dogs would of won a forley cup i would of liked to have won one.......i think when it split the competition ran in matches tested the dogs consistancy more than the south kyme one as it was best on the day won well done to all that won anyways
  7. Lucky (the dark destroyer) won the forley in 2001 joint winner with fettle, he then produced Tina who won it in 2004, also snowy won forley legends in 2002 and a daughter to her won it a few years later
  8. Would nt of thought either of the founders would be on poachers rest? Y.I.S Leeview I meant the founder of the poachers rest brian plummers old dildo?
  9. Ran against this bitch in a puppy 4 dogger not sure about it been a match bitch like it was matched and won matches lol
  10. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm funny you should bring this up as now you can tell us why your idol LOFTY cocked on matchin 1 of these shit plough dogs buddy breed????????????????????
  11. hows barny fresh blood tool he is off nipper and was bred in northeast lol stick to lamping coz you daft you, edited to say all barnys litter brothers and sister jacked apart from benji and peggy, whch comes off the kim side who wasn't pure saluki that is what some of the lads on this thread are pointing out weaknesses will show further down the line
  12. calm down marcus mate messers get found out!
  13. ask fred you messer you would have cocked on him and left him sat in a layby the same as you done to him last year when u was begging to use dan for peanuts................fool
  14. i got the lot mate £2 each pms welcome
  15. take no notice of knock um out shaun mate he still sulking because mascus wouldn't sell him a tina pup he should count himself lucky not getting a pup out of tina, he should go and ask thompson what the bitch did at kings lynn i heard about that day, she went unsighted on first hare as it went up river bank then killed her next 4 and you crabbed to everyone even though your things never bent 1 the same day.............just tell the truth mate it will be a weight off your shoulders!
  16. well i was told clucker got them , and we know clucker isnt a buyer of dogs, he's a dealer . ask your good pal jimmy, he was told by the horses mouth when i let him talk to lofti last year when he was at mine ... daffodil coursing club will be starting soon so i will be earing of these super dogs in 6 weeks time Is that when you take Super Jerry out to stop a few least shaun no jacker You must be one of his bummer boys are ye????????? waiting to see these champions you promised me last year mark. what happened to that bitch marcus bought ? the jealousy in coursing is u
  17. Also, more importantly,are the qualities Buddy throws into his pups that you cannot see.... Surely Buddy is one of the top producers of the modern time? i think with buddy you get 110% heart and determination i've yet to see a shitty hearted dog off him and is there another dog in the country that is producing as many big bunny killers as consistant as buddy to all types and breeds considering how many decnt dogs he has produced how many of the bitches were truley worth breeding off not saying all the bitches were shit but some were and he still produced that says a lot about the quali
  18. take no notice of knock um out shaun mate he still sulking because mascus wouldn't sell him a tina pup
  19. hows flont bred was it out of a french snail or english????????
  20. snitchy didnt try and buy tina did he, i never heard that one ////????
  21. yea you would stick it in loftys ass yip and he screams like a bitch tell you what you have mentioned lofti 568 times i dont mention our lasses name as much as that. i remember wheh you used to pray to marcus and loads more. you do get about a bit you like a coursing mans groupie lol me praying to marcus ????????/ lol you dont know me as for lofti he's a little shit from the south now you get down on yeah knees bitch like you wer eon your knees after called certain mans dog lol please dont hit me ive got a heart complaint
  22. they talk a good dog in bishop bot not many run them, but there's a set of lads who run in the daffodil coursing club who will be kicking off soon i would run for a chomp bar , they are only 10p there's a new chump from leicester joining match tomorrow easy money http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=GRL9yrhjH-o chomps are 15p now get with the times snickers..................i mean vickers
  23. my mate just bought a dog out of bishop he said it out of best dog in bishop anyone know its name
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