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Everything posted by glogin

  1. Congrats, they are so nice deer. I never shot one...
  2. Wow, how green and nice buck.
  3. It is their "last bite". Hunting tradition.
  4. I dont envy you the feeling when you found out it was a doe... Thanks for posting
  5. They just cant resists oats this time of year and do some damage...
  6. It is just starting. Called in a buck on Sat and another one on Sun.
  7. Not really a hunting video this time, but I was asked a question about accuracy shooting off sticks and decided to carry out a short experiment to find out. Scottish forest was probably not the best place to do that and I was eaten alive by midges ...you can see a cloud of them little buggers...
  8. Highlights of last hunting season
  9. Steyr Mannlicher Pro Hunter mk II Stainless Synthetic in .308 Win Threaded 1/2" UNF Leupold mounts Blaser 3-9x56 30mm scope with #4 Reticule in second focal plane Great and accurate rifle I have had for the last 4 years, never let me down and shoots 0.5" with Hornady SST 150gr and Speer 180gr SPBT reloads. Recipes available for a buyer. A few marks on the stock, I cant see any marks on the scope tube or glass. Bipod and sling not included. ANy inspection welcome, Glasgow. F2F preferred or can send but my RFD charges £50. PM me with any questions. £800
  10. Very nice but it looks like you are showing spleen not pancreas on your pdf?
  11. To pay respect. "Last byte" tradition very popular in continental Europe
  12. I think this is this site issue, YT blocking it for some reason. Follow the link to see it externally instead of embedded here.
  13. Spotted a doe and two buck kids near the forestry edge. Unfortunately they sensed something was not right and moved off. Tried to get closer actually walking mature sitka forestry and it worked ok. I got pretty close but could not get a shot through all the branches... but one of the kids was so kind to come to the right side of the branches
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