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Everything posted by poacherjim

  1. i see your not very good at selling!! these items are interesting but more info is needed
  2. how much for the two please how much for the dog?and location can you post it and what is the weight?
  3. youve never lived until you get some in your EYE did it 20 yrs ago i can still feel and smell it !i was screamin like a stuck pig.running to the kitchen for some water fell over the bucket grazed my knee and got some in that too, i wish someone would have videod it funny now but not then!!
  4. DID YOU SAY PACKIE!!!! you cant call a dog that! dont you know you could hurt its feelings!! im just sat here now smiling thinking if you walked through my town and shouted your dog 5,000 people would turn around
  5. you must have eyes like a shit house rat to notice that
  6. She sounds like a right little slapper !! take the kid away and give it to someone who can afford to keep it, then have the slag STERILISED.IM SICK OF PAYING FOR LOW LIFE LAZY JEREMY KYLE WATCHING SCUM
  7. this is great news for all the drug dealing,thieving,murdering scum bags that roam the streets making them no go areas for decent folk! as long as they are looking for hunters we can all sleep safely in our beds W*****S
  8. only ever seen it happen in summer.a quick dose of mixy was the reason
  9. get some magnetic signs that way youve got the advertising when out and about but you can take them off when going to a job
  10. on the news you hear about people from afghasnistan being called afghanis, from india being called indians,from scotland being called scots ect ect ect so why cant we call someone from pakistan a paki ? its because if you are from pakistan you are probably a lazy, scrounging, attention seeker who thinks that they have a right to dictate to us what we can say in our own country. if you are from pakistan you ARE A F*****G PAKI END OF !!!
  11. rabbit problem in backyard!! how good would that be ??
  12. i was reading a topic a while ago and on the persons avatar it said something in arabic can any one tell me who it was and what did it say/mean :wallbash:
  13. its a weirdbeard nobhead usually found lookin at birds, avoid contact as it could lead to terminal boredom
  14. it makes me laugh all this talk about great dogs.bring em up to this part of the country and see what they can find! ill tell you what you will find F**K ALL !! great dogs are not just born they need to be trained and you cant train a dog if there is no quarry, so in my opinion a dog is only as good as its enviroment i:e plenty bunnies = plenty of experience = good dog. no game = no experience = keen but inexperienced dog :wallbash:
  16. poacherjim


    A RIVER body of water river mouth
  17. yea but dont forget you need a licence to get a shot gun or hand gun and im sure people wouldnt sell a gun to sumone who didnt have a licence. but anyway we could say all kinds still we can never keep guns of are streets fighting over norris green and croxteth i wouldnt have a shit hole like that gven to me!!!!!!! :wallbash: :wallbash:
  18. yeah pal from chorley horwich :clapper: theres more wildlife in a tramps vest than there is round here
  19. whoooooooh you cant say COON THIS IS ENGLAND!!!
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