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Everything posted by trisha

  1. alrite pal worked rabbiting terriers for 20 years not needing to learn more just wanting to find out some history on it old style rabbiters and there ways old style terriers,the old style town rat catcher etc chears anyway buddy atb
  2. you havent seen much pal have you a good working terrier is gold dust dont comment on something you clearly havent got a clue about if you wana see top class rabbiting terriers work give me a pm maybe i can change your mind not having a go either just saying it how it is atb
  3. chears mate rabbiting is my game and as been since a lad just looking for info on old style rabbiting terriers and old style rabbiting folk atb buddy
  4. any good or load of rubbish also what types of dogs are discussed ps is it worth buying
  5. seen a couple of dogs do this but only when they first start to catch it normaly comes out of them after a couple of months of catching but never seen it in a two year old dog just keep taking her out mate and maybe a couple of rats mite do the trick get her back up a bit like steve said
  7. seen one on a dvd catching daytime hares very rare. suluki,greyhound and retriever mix looked like a racey retriever with suluki head long retreiver coat aswell think jb who ownes the luke dog had it.
  8. do you all think that unproven dogs should not be bred from when it comes to other jobs like running dogs,rabbiting terriers,ratting terriers and so on or just for digging dogs as ive seen fantastic litters come of unproven bitches in the rabbiting world but there lineage goes well back for me i beleive its in the genes 90% of the time but defo depends on the job.
  9. does anyone know jhon griffith from south wales?
  10. dont no much about them myself i live near llanwenarth but dont no were the kennels are as a lad i remember seing keith francis working them on the gavenny river flowing through abergavenny seemed a good little pack. ricky pm me that email as ime looking to buy one myself atb
  11. anyone heard of this pack of terriers heres a pick of some of them
  12. i see what you meen by it runs in the genes mate 100% true i had a terrier of a non working bitch and sire but the grand sire and grand dams lines go back a long way in the working world,and that turned out to be a cracker started bushing at 4 months old just did it of its own acord, its down to genes in most cases imo not what the parents have done but i suppose it does give you more sucurity.if you want to breed for specific trates which any genuine dog man does then thats were proven worker to worker comes into play imo atb
  13. dont look like theres anything wrong with those pups, magwitch your right there is one in every village atb
  14. you done a good job mate fair play atb
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1170560/Watership-Down-composer-Mike-Batt-orders-rabbit-cull.html rabbit cull in watership down
  16. http://wdown.tripod.com/ website lol some pics
  17. i think it was everyones dream as a kid to ferret watership down lol never thought it was a real place mind has anyone ever seen watership down winter?
  18. what the f**k happend to that?
  19. tidy bloke as genuine as they come

  20. a good rabbit terrier is an art in its own way not every terrier will make a proven one just dont happen trust me been there and seen it all atb
  21. i recon a proven rabbiting terrier is a dog/bitch whos had a few good seasons under there belt bushes good dont loose the scent there on once the rabbit has bolted and carry on bushing for something that aint there,must be up and on the rabbit quick and put plenty of presure on it that way it either bolts,goes to ground or terrier catches it never passes rabits by so very good nose is needed imo,has to mark smack on every time not faulse marking.like alot of terriers do if started to young.i like them to have a good catch rate aint no use to me otherwise but each to there own i supose only on
  22. there was someone selling loads of hug boots with certs around were i live,they all turned out to be fakes and fell apart after weeks of use not saying yours are mate just warning people to be carefull they were being sold for 70 pound atb
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