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Everything posted by trisha

  1. brookies an honest man,he will do anything to help others,even if it involves loaning a dog out to someone he trusted,you can guarenty there was a good reason behind it.when he comes back on tomorrow mabey he will tell you or like he said chartpolski,give him a pm and he will prove the truth to you atb.
  2. will try it buddy,cant beet a bit of trout fishing,especialy early morn and just before dark, fecking love it.atb mate
  3. so do i on streams buddy but on big rivers you need the weights atb
  4. the mans nothing but a gloryfide dog thief,fecking scum of the earth.the black bitch he stole was my mates,it was the boys pride and joy,and he as only just started to get back into lurchers.so if your reading this warrener you fat dog thieving scum bag,he aint no boy any more and he always says two men will meet before to mountains will and hes right.all i can say to people who buys the shit he sells is dont,the man dont deserve your money hes a thieving fat bum.atb
  5. for me its suluki type lurchers but have seen some good lurcher to lurcher types,bedlinton types,deer hound types etc.i think the question you should be asking is [what type running dog as the best success rate] as in what cross makes the grade more atb.
  6. how much to fish on them mate,are they the ones up by morton on lug some good fish in them lol.
  7. your right mate the biggest worm in the tub always seems to do the job lol,i will try a float on the calm sretches of river atb
  8. lol, what tips are they then [filter tips] ile catch you a couple of trout if you want some steve, do you do any fishing then.
  9. lol, what tips are they then [filter tips] ile catch you a couple of trout if you want some steve, do you do any fishing then.
  10. felt like a bit of fishing earlier so went down by the river for an hour with the missis the baby and ideation of here,first half hour nothing,then put a big fat worm on and bang nice brown trout just as it was getting dark.a good fish for this river 17 inches long and 2.2 pounds.any one got any tips for worming rivers different rigs etc.
  11. also what articgun said, was going to use that on my kennels good stuff atb
  12. put a mussel on him,one of those ones were he can still eat and drink atb.
  13. feed him plenty of meat[a constent supply of it]rabbits etc.
  14. fair play theres some pricks on here,you moderaters need to sort your selfs out aswel and start deleting the arseholes recking threads all the time.what the fucks the matter with some of you people you reckon your hard as f**k your just a bunch of tossers.
  15. good way of landing your fish,nothing suprises me any more what dogs can do seen them do some things,most are more inteligent than some humans like antis etc.
  16. these are mine, will put some pics up tomorow of them finished,cheap to build,good drainage system,3 6x4 runs,3 4x4 beds with storige above each one and they dont look out of place in a smallish garden.
  17. they seem very good dogs at what there bred for,would like to see one run next season if you would let me tag along for a night.for people who have slated them i cant vouch for them myself but many others have and some close mates to me, not bullshiters or idiots but genuine dog men so i myself do believe they are the buisness you always get people commenting on things they havent got a clue about,at the end of the day there just fools.like the saying goes never judge a book by its cover and its true.if you aint got a clue about these dogs and you dont have a good word to say about the subject
  18. flint08 could you explain to me one thing have these dogs been tested on there "main quarry" on all types of land,not just wooded areas with the odd field in between. also areas were there main quary has a good lay between it and the dog not just them finding on there own of the lead or being sent into groups of there chosen quarry. i dont dought these dogs just woundering atb
  19. listen mate a terrier might catch the odd one in the sqaut but they havent got a chance once the rabbit starts running exspecaly on fields, might catch a couple on routh ground if there lucky atb ps get your self a lurcher
  20. pitch black so you cant see your hands in front of your face, with a lite drizle and winds blowing like hell,havent had one this season the weathers a fu**ing shambles
  21. whin what did you think of the old type norfolk xs back in the day as alrounders, compared to todays claimed to be norfolk xs
  22. whin i agree with you, you do have to no your dogs and what they are all about preferabally when then they are PUPS,your pup sounds a good one,i bet hes more clued up than fight the bans are at 2 year old atb fight the ban only joking mate atb
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