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Everything posted by trisha

  1. my family have voted labour for years,but this year its time for a change,yes conservs have got some bad points but cmon labour have ruined this country with there dirty laws feck them i say.CONSERVATIVE ALL THE WAY FOR ME.
  2. very interesting and every ferret breeder should no this,thanks mate.
  3. had it happen to me the hob coverd the jill,but dident do the job properly now shes back in season so i sent her to anouther hob who i hope aint fireing blanks to atb
  4. sporting lucas terrier,they got a website there the only terriers i no that have been traind to the gun with success and theyl bush tight cover,they will also go to ground but havent heard of 1 inparticuler with all 3 traits. be realistic what you described is a one of dog and you will probaly never own one or hear of one in a life time around hunting terriers.atb
  5. no its not because you wouldent sell me a dog.i aint no spoiled little kid just dont like fakes like you,one thing i agree with you on though you are lucky,lucky i dident buy it.do us a favour give me a pm and ile prove to you what ive heard off a reliable person,who i believe i bet you dont.c**t
  6. listen people,i no this aint nothing to do with me but taff you had the cheek to turn down 200 pound for a pup from non working parents[how do i no that]i bet your thinking aint you.300 pound for a dog and 350 pound for a bitch is an even bigger cheek,people like you need a good slap up the mouth,fecking twat.i cant say how i no they aint workers but its true dont fall into his trap people.oh yes one more thing if you did happen to sell that pup to me and the reliable person dident inform me that you dont work them untill after you would of been one unlucky c**t trust me pal,eating through a s
  7. ile give you 200 pound for one and no i aint taking the piss atb.
  8. THANKS for the offer mally i am fortunate in having some good mates around me but THANKS all the same.atvb dell alrite del mate hope you get well soon bud,pity you dident find a high drain or pot hole on a coucil road or path and got your self a clame going lol an old man had 7.500 last year for breaking his leg on a pot hole,mind you he was genuine atb matey pm your address and ile send you some things to pass a couple of hours away if you want.
  9. a old bloke once told me,feed them more than what they can eat and its true,not in the way of force feeding them lol but give them as much as they can eat and leave more in there bowl for them to pick at,i find the best food for pups is butchers waist boiled up,trust me they do great on it, real shiny coats,healthy bones, strong imune system.the tip is just keep them growing atb
  10. catcher mate,ive been thinking the same thing i live near the river usk in south east wales and the river is got plenty back on it,the only thing i can think of for the change is the decreasing population of mink in the area due to the increas of traps about,the fish are also on the increas and other water life,might be different reason why theres more down your way.
  11. believe it or not i get all my batteries for free from my local tip not all work but last year i had 16 from there that worked and 3 so far this year.have a look at your local tips trust me its worth it atb.
  12. mayweather for me to,real good boxer imo,also didnt no it was on,what channel and what time plz mate
  13. And nobody had the balls to go get it back dazza you cheaky c**t dont comment on something you havent got a clue about.the boy whos dog it was couldent get it back as he was a young lad at the time and his father did try getting it back,but the fat thieving scumbag c**t the warrener,got the police to go to his house and said hes being threatend and all that shit,then the warrener put her in pup,and sent her over to ireland to hide her the prick.thats the truth and all i got to say about it.ps get your facts right before you comment on things.
  14. muphymax,which on of those dvds got a black bitch on it i think shes running foxes on the lamp,but not to sure.23 to 24 inches high
  15. your right buddy,it is a joke just goes to show what sort of people are in the game these days,there not genuine dog men just fools atb.
  16. leave the man be ffs,who are you to judge him,hiding behind a computer dont give you the right to more or less bully him over is dogs when you havent got a f+cking clue about them.your just a shower of c**ts.i bet you wouldent have so much to say, face to face with him.pricks
  17. and me its cheap but does it do the job.
  18. chears for the info,in regards to it happening to women lol,nothing suprises me, i was only saying to the misses the other day how simmular dogs and women are dident go down to well mind,all in good fun though atb.
  19. me and a mate live next door to each other and between us we got 5 bitches.three weeks ago the one came into season,followed 3 days later by another 1 then my bitch came in 1 week after that.yesterday another bitch came in that for the last 5 years only came into season once a year,around september.the fifth one a six year old terrier bitch,the only one were waiting for to come in to have a litter out of[to keep her line going]still hasent come in,but i no she wont be long at this rate.just woundering your thoughts on, in season bitches bringin others in.atb
  20. heron or a squirrel lol only joking mate maybe an heron but i would put my money on it being a crow
  21. heres my bitch 24 inches tts,she will kill them feild or fen, day or night.
  22. just bought a dog out of a merlin and eve bitch by s gaskins tramp just woundering were the merlin and eve strain originated,and who were the first dogs of this line,what crosses went into them at the begining atb
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