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Everything posted by trisha

  1. whin you no everyone mate,have you been over there running the dogs if so whats there hare like compared to ours[coursing wise]?
  2. any pics of this plummer mate?i no what you meen good small strains of plummer are few and far between hope you find what your looking for atb
  3. alrite mate heres my bitch 7 year old, 11 tts from a long line of working russels then crossed out to a real good working manchester terrier x russel dog then a bitch out of that litter was line bred back in to the old strain of russel producing a top class litter game as game,great nose,smash any cover no matter how thick,how high is your plummer and whats he been worked on atb.
  4. i dont see anything wrong with bringing pups on in the summer nor do i see anything wrong with catching summer rabs for the ferret but those that go out and have a full nights lamping with seasoned dogs are just c**ts got no respect for wildlife or its reproductive system they aint dog men [just fools]
  5. http://www.high-lonesomehounds.com/ something to have a look at some nice dogs from the past and present atb
  6. many of times as a lad ive lamped squaters only to find out its a little owl or a wood cock dont see many these days around here though.
  7. my opinion is that you can breed of none workers and be lucky but as whin pointed out, if you breed of game dogs who have had several generaitions of workers they take little coaxing more holding back were if you breed of shit they havent got the minerals to go the distance ,thats what breeding is about and good dog manship ,SUMS IT UP FOR ME,90%of working dogs bred from none workers havent got it upstaires abit like a bungalow lol but that dont stop them looking the part or makeing average lurchers and we dont want average we want top class so why not breed for it why back track on things and
  8. lol what a plumber x brickey whats in his make up
  9. whin lol thats a cracking old song, always reminds me of sitting at home on a sunday morning waiting for the cook dinner to be done with the old man watching THE QUIET MAN great film. heres one version, There was a wild colonial boy, Jack Duggan was his name, Of poor but honest parents he was born in Castlemaine. He was his father's only hope, his mother's pride and joy, And dearly did his parents love the wild colonial boy. Chorus Then, come all me hearties, we'll range the mountain side; Together we will plunder, together we will ride. We'll scour along the valleys and gal
  10. if he thinks there in bristol is it by any chance a traveler site if so some of them tried pinching my mates dogs but got caught and run there also linked to loads of good coursing dog thefts Fecking scum bags.
  11. hope he gets them back there seems to be alot of working dogs going missing lately mostly from those in the coursing world it does make you think if the anti scum got something to do with it, as most are never found or heard of again.
  12. HERES SOME INFO ON THEM FOR THOSE INTERESTED ATB The Tasmanian devil is not particularly large. Adults may weigh about 15 pounds (6.8 kg), and be about 2 feet (60.96 cm) long. Birth weight, conversely is tiny. The average newborn devil is about the size of a grain of rice. The Tasmanian devil is usually dark black in color, though may have some markings of white around the neck. Their prominent noses give them an excellent sense of smell, which is ideal for hunting and tracking prey. Additionally, they are quite stocky in body, with powerful limbs and very sharp teeth. The average life
  13. These are "softies" and I think generally reflect calcium deficiency. If your get good quality layers pellets, Oyster shell grit, plenty of free ranging, clean water, plenty of daylight and sunshine, a goodly supply of green veggies, they will soon lay beautiful eggs and your softie problems will be but a memory You can give them natural live yogurt which they'll eat with relish, or a little limestone powder sprinkled on their layers pellets (only a sprinkling mind). If things don't improve then there are calcium tablets which are water soluble which can be given but I'd try all the oth
  14. agree with catcher1 play thm at there own game thats if your not short tempered like me i could of put up with him going on about its ilegal etc as it just shos his mentality but when he started calling lurcher men scum and taking pics of me moter i would of rammed the camera down his throat and f****d him off then rang the police and say your caught him pulling his plonker in the hedge watching your wife.
  15. ive got traveler blood running through my veins,worked my dogs with them since a boy you cant tar us all the same because were not but i do agree with one thing the new age travelers are a fecking discrace to are breed if you like,pinching dogs,thieving everything,conning old people out of money be it for a new drive,gardening,etc there a shower of c**ts pinch of there mates to.my mate caught some coming out of his shed late in the night after his dogs they run like feck he knew who they was and the things he done for them,coursed with them all last season they got no respect,the old style tra
  16. momouthshire has still got mp david davies,not shaw but i think hes a hunt suporter.
  17. heres mine excellent rabbiting terrier,will do reds to but thats not my game.jack russel x manchester terrier
  18. how much for the pure suluki pup mate if you sell her
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