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mole catcher

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Everything posted by mole catcher

  1. This time of year they will be prety much anywhere as the nights are not to cold. In the colder times they will be in the slight hollows of the ground and on the leeward side of woods and hedges. Stubble fields ae a great holding area for them so make the use of what is around you. Grass horse paddocks will often hold them now but if the night is damp or it rains they will move to the stubbles and empty dirt fields as they wont hold the moisture as much.
  2. he used to sell the skins dont no who to or why but he used to have a box full of them, Mole skins were of more value than the price many got for catching them in the first place. Moleskins have been used for all manner of things in the past but the most common was the use by Milliners (hat makers). they were used in the making of ladys hats, used on the inside it stopped the sweat of the said ladys brow from running onto her face and spoiling her make up, the first sweat band you might say. Also used in expencive ladys riding gloves as a lining. The old fashiond type of top hat was in
  3. Thats the thing, as kids we amd yourselves would go out and try these things, but as adults most of us(not all) loose the abilitie to try and do things out of the norm, nowdays if you cant buy the kit most wont try it rather than make it themselves. Some of the old ways are still the best ways because where we do it for sport, our fore fathers did it because they were hungry and needed to put stuff on the tables. Today we seem to busy trying to re-invent the wheel rather than look to the history books for insperation. ok some of the stuff written in poaching law is nothing more than old wi
  4. Partridge drag nets are like most old poaching methods, full of mystery and mistruth. I have made them as well as used them and can honestly say they work and work very well. The biggest problem as with all things netting is finding a partner willing to keep at it when the results are poor on many occassons. The one i have hanging in my shed (an old one made many years ago by a very old gent)is roughly 35-40 yrds wide and about 10yrds long. It has a graduating mesh size going from a larger mesh at the head line and a smaller mesh as you go down the body of the net. At the head line there is
  5. i fully understand how many folk want free kit, i know as ive been there myself and its not always the youngsters. But surely as a mod a pm to the offending poster asking a few questions would have helped sort it before a post needed to be made? One thing i have noticed on this and other sites, the younger and more flighty of its members will sit and read a thread happy not to cause hassle UNTILL one member posts a slightly confrotational post, then they seem to jump on the band wagon. but hey, lets not transgress off topic, dont want to start a slagging match and see the powers that b
  6. Hold you on fellas before you start yet another witch hunt here Today (sunday 2 nov) i have been on the phone to this members mother, and yes they are only 13, and yes they do have a long net of 100yrds, all be it a tangled one but a net non the less. And this may surprise you THEY DO SAVE THERE POCKET MONEY AND BUY ALL THEIR OWN KIT THEMSELVES. this call came about after a chat in this sites chat room were members that were in there on friday will recall i offered to help this member and his brother out with some kit via my internet shop The net loft. WHEN WILL YOU MEMBERS THAT ARE S
  7. just go and read the comments below the vid. just goes to show the mentallity of folk out roaming free, AND THEY GET THE VOTE
  8. lets hope we all as members get behind the mods and help them do their jobs and stop all this bullshite
  9. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3Fig9GufQJU
  10. just take your mum, girlfriend,sister whos suffering pmt with you im yet to see a bloke come out on top
  11. netrigger, you know my thoughts on them and its based on my experiance with them, some like them some dont.
  12. trust you to say that kay, but you know us men, we cant follow simple instructions unless there written down
  13. NEVER put your weopon in the hands of an un-trained lass
  14. mole catcher


    in my freazer theres all sorts from rabbits to venison, ducks to pigeon, hell there was even a few illeagle imigrants but they froze to death and the wife didnt fancy eating those so we binned them
  15. mole catcher


    Poaching has, was and always will be part of a workingmans way of either finding sport and release from the retrictions imposed upon him, or to feed himself and his family. Poaching is not a symptom of a past time it is for many a way of life, and being such many will risk the run ins with the law and possible jail time. What you will see in this modern cash struck times is many coming into it thinking thaey can make a few fast bucks but whos going to buy this organic loot when were all skint? eating what you catch by fair meens or foul, has been a way of my families life for many years an
  16. I have heard about this system but I thought it was for people with little or no fieldcraft. Tiercel DING DING, round two of the whats best debate, quickset or endpins
  17. It seems those of us in the know about long netting at night are growing in their numbers, very true words spoken
  18. Before this is seen as an im doing it right and your not kind of reply i can assure you it isnt, just another longnetter having a debate with a fellow netter when i was talking about watching them squat i was in fact refering to night time use, it was because i could see their sillohetes (spelling?) as i was below them whilst netting a raised green on a golf course. And like you i too work alone for most of my long netting and i can honestly say i find setting the net and pegging single handed no problem. As for speed i feel to much is made of speed whilst long netting at night. if you us
  19. Sorry but i have to strongly dissagree with this. As witnessed on many occassions, more so at this time of the year, if your quiet when setting they will often sit and not bolt. They know you are there but a rule of survival is to stay still untill the danger has passed, then they will bolt for cover. With this in mind you can see the importance of peging as you set the net otherwise as you run the net out the rabbits bolt over the top of it as you have passed so walking back pegging is a waste of time as they have bolted allready. How do i know this? I have a drop or two that i do on a golf
  20. tidy looking dog that, proper pot fillers type of dog.
  21. Keeping the tradition of KNOWING HOW TO PROPERLY WORK a liner is in my opinion a key skill to being a ferreter. Regardless of all the modern equipment i take on a days ferreting i always have a line ready for use in my kit bag. Why? simple realy, modern kit breaks down and normally at the time you need it to be reliable the most, like when the ferret is down below. Now if this happens which it does and has to me, knowing how to line a ferret properly and safely will save the day and in some cases the life of a ferret. I can hear you all now, leave it alone and give it time and it will com
  22. what would they be made of, those shaped nets? would it not be the weight of them thats the prob rather than the design? and i think the member stating dont buy shaped nets was refering to them not holding the rabbit rather than the wind blowing them off the hole. All the nets i use and make are fitted with the heavy 10 gage ring, these arnt going anywhere. this ring in the pic is fitted to my fox nets, same gage as the ferret nets only its a 1inch ring but now you have raised the point about the heavy rings, for every person in favour of a heavy ring you will get one sayi
  23. If you layout the two types of net side by side and open them out into a circle you will see the nets cover exactly the same area. only differance is you will have 4 small triangles, one at each corner doing nothing, the meshs will be closed and seving no purpose. Now if your saying the un-shaped nets dont suit you then thats a differant matter, but to say one is better than the other doesnt make sence. just my opinion of course.
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