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mole catcher

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Everything posted by mole catcher

  1. see, its like riding a bike, once learnt never forgotten. so much looking forward to the two of us having a go here in suffolk, but mate, please dont let me lead you astray and off the beaten path
  2. DITCHY,........I dont know if your mate deserves a medal for trying to eat a mole or weither he needs locking up for his own safety :sick: On the sublect of moles, i once had one fall out of my trapping bag and didnt notice it had slipped under the back seat of the astra estate i had at the time. it was the middle of summer and i tell you, the smell was fecking horrid. i would be driving round and this smell would waft up my nose every now and then. nothing to bad in the first few days but after the second week i was a little bit worried as to what was causing it. i emptied all the boot,
  3. still for sale, will try and post pics today
  4. Its the child in us all that makes us laugh at such benile things
  5. that last pic Al, cracking pic. his face says it all doesnt it. hes thinking......" do i first disembowle him, do i chase him, do i just sit here and look mean or do i strike a pose for this years Kc stud callender?"" do you and the wife have much room in the house with all those large dogs? Ive a beddy x whippet who thinks its a rotty... GGGGRRRRRRR.......sausages
  6. This is how i find it east to zero the NV in that i use. set up a nice large back drop of a piece of board about 3ft square and about 6inch in front put a stick with a small apple stuck on top. Through the NV the apple appears as a dark object against the back drop. If you set this up so your shooting level rather than say shooting downwards, its just a matter of having 3 shots going over to the target looking at it level to the line of fire and then you can see by how much to adjust your point of impact. Because NV works by use of gathering the ambiant light its hard to iluminate a ta
  7. [ i think the expression is "" they draw your arse up to your elbows""
  8. caster suger has smaller granuals, quicker to breakdown and be turned into alcohol and this meens quicker fermentation which meens quicker drinking time
  9. FERRETLOVE, you sound as if this single phone call has got your back up? i can tell by the way your typing that you feel strongly about animal wellfair and dont suffer fools gladly?
  10. all 5 are very well and very active as normal
  11. [when i mentioned the vets i meant why not have an autopsy or what ever its called to find out what it was . TOMO that was how i read your post, go get an autopsy. sounds tight fisted but i havnt got that kind of money to spend to get the results back as inconclusive.
  12. woodman, try going out on a moonless night with no wind, it works. ok you have to slow down and take even more care with sound but a good black night is still worth a try. you have to think a bit more about the way you approach your drop but you will still get results
  13. torn stoppers are something all running dog owners experiance at some time. given rest and mild care regarding keeping clean the wounds heal very quickly and cleanly posing no future problem from that wound, untill the next time it happens. How long to heal? well that depends on the dog and you, take the dog out whilst the new skin is still thin and soft and your back to where you started., doesnt take long to heal, even a pad that has been cut right off soon heals. micro pore tape from boots is very good as is taping them up, like skycat said. my dog still has its dew claws and its part
  15. Mad Al watch the newest one, curse of the ware rabbit, you will pish yourself laughing, its brilliant
  16. lets face it people, we all suspect that a few of this forums members are either an anti or members of such groups as the RSPCA. weither this person who phoned me is either one of these i dont know. But, it just goes to show we all have to conduct ourselves in a manner that is befitting the 21st century. Be proud of yourself and your actions through you sport but mostly BE CAREFULL AND RESPECTFULL. On the subject of this phone message, its proberbly my own fault for giving out my number so readerly, but then again its in the national press and on the side of my van as well as on my trade s
  17. please read my earlier posts as to the reasons why this cannot be botulism
  18. TOMO, Like isaid in the thread i have seen this about 5 yrs ago, back then i tried the route down the vets. Loads of money and 18 hours later, dead ferrets. I wonder just how much suffering those ferrets were in within those 18 hours? this suffering was something i wasnt going to allow these 2 to go through, plus they looked in one hell of a state, in my opinion it was better to end it there and then. JB, i have flicked through the link you put up and yes as myself and DS were thinking it looks as if it was a spider bite. this info you have given me to read has also added weight to thi
  19. Well here goes for what i consider to be the reason for the demise of my 2 ferrets. After digging them up yet again i had a very good close look at them, this included soaking them in water to get the fur to lay flat. after an age looking at them and feeling all over for any swellings i found a small tiny pin head sized puncture wound on each ferret. one on the belly, one on the fore leg of the other. this puncture was surrounded buy a ring like patteren of a bluish colour, in total the size was about 2-3 mm across. Looking through a magnifying glass it was clear to see a defo mark and the
  20. sloe gin .......mmmmmmmm 4litres of UNSWEETENED gin 2lb of sloes, left in freezer for a week beforhand 1lb of caster suger, not granulated. 3 months in a demijon under air lock, give a good shake every day of the 3mths in the demijon then bottle for a month, then sit back and enjoy at your leasure this sunday just gone me and the family picked a few lb of sloes as well as a few lb of damsons, starting it all this week end
  21. HANDE MADE in very nice 10/09 spun nylon (not a z twine) 12.5yrds long with 100% running kill (bagging) made with very deep (6ft plus) belly made with 6inch full mesh 40pound posted or 45pound with pr of endpins PLEASE NOTE, THIS IS A HAND MADE NET NOT A CHEAP IMPORTED NET pm me if interested. Pics will be posted tomorow
  22. there is an old wives tale round these parts, the trapper who catches a white mole fortells his own death rather you than me mate
  23. DITCH, if your right and my susspicions about this bloody spider are correct i think we may have cracked it. as for that spider........... if he were in that hutch when i spreyed it and cleaned it out with disenfectant than it is no more. just seems strange a spider bite can kill 2 fully grown ferrets? i dont know im not a vet. I think once the heat has gone and the sun has gone a little i will remove the ferrets again and have a better look, shave them if need be. I know this sounds repugnant to many but at least i will know in my own mind what the possible cause of death could have
  24. FERRETLOVE, yep all jills were brought out of season this yr WOODMAN, just been round the neighbours and no they havnt done any spraying or anything and to think of it their hutch is a fair distance from their garden but like you say, it could have been that. GAZ, they havnt been out since last season so its nothing from working such as poison, unles some feckers been in and i dont know about it but i doubt it. this hutch was made from new wood over 2 years ago that i treated then, hasnt been touched since then. I know ferrets have a way of being fine one moment then turning up
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