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mole catcher

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Everything posted by mole catcher

  1. Cant keep a good man down Who shall have a fishy on a little dishy when the boat comes in? Dance for your Daddy sing to your mammy ect ect....
  2. Yes I mean running lines, and this may be the correct term for them. I was taught to call them bands, and I feel this was the common term for them at one time Hello Ian differant places have differant terms i suppose, you say potatoe, i say potartoe kind of thing. You also say about the grip of cottton on your nets whilst working an end wind, have you thought about a problem that may happen such as the following. A few yrs ago i had a net with the bagging tied in, where the cotton thread held the nets mesh to the head line a balled up mess allways happened when working an end win
  3. dont know how i done it but a few years back i was setting a mk6 fenn when it slipped and went off in my hands. imagine the embaresment let alone the pain when i had to ask the customers son to remove said trap from my 2 broken fore fingers that were held in its jaw :oops: maybe i will get a pic up to show you newcomers to trapping the damage it can do to ones digits
  4. Hello Ian when you talk about bands im taking it you refer to the running lines? correct me if im wrong. Now im NOT trying to start an arguement or have a go at a mans methods but what you have said has me a little confused. I was wondering if you could put me right on a few things? 1, you say in his book he talks about tying his top and bottom lines, would this be tied running lines direct to the pin or spliced so you have a free running cord? 2, if so how would this make your bottom line a foot shorter? 3, to combat the stretch in your running lines would a braided line of sa
  5. we have an open fire in our living room, nice it is too i lived on a mahogany broads cruser made back in the late 1950s, i installed a small queeny type wood burner as well as a tiled harth for safety. best way of living in my opinion as this not only heated the boat but i fitted a small back boiler that fed both the galley sink but also the 12volt pumped shower. most important thing is to install a pressure blow off valve going out of the boat for the water tank, if not your in danger of a tank burst, NOT GOOD all fitted and made by my own hands, job satisfaction at its best
  6. My mum used to make bread pudding with mixed fruit when we were kids...........mmmmmmmmmmm lovely
  7. mole catcher

    New longnet

    Its funny you should ask that, me and netrigger were having the same conversation this evening. its where the top line sits after i have thrown a clove hitch, some netters use this, others use 3 small groves and others dont use anything, just a plain peg. I find it helps the running line to gripp the hazle peg.
  8. mole catcher

    New longnet

    Hello little loyed. if you are going to rig the net in what is now know as the traditional way then yes you will need a pair of end pins, if your going for the basket system then no you wont as they dont have tails on their running lines. these are the end pins i sell, now im not just on here to sell stuff to members and i try not to tout for bussines but their 7.50p posted. this is a 50yrd net ready for use and shows how a well readied net should look after being picked up correctly
  9. I must admit, that on hearing the inward bound squirrel chattering as they do, i wondered if they is a call on the market that replicates this territory aggression sound? maybe there is a company from the USA that a member on here has heard of? But from the way that second one came in it was clear that he wasnt havning any pretender for his turf stomping about. would make shooting a lot easyier i would imagine. see what today brings
  10. If its pine like you say it should split easy as removing Jordans uder garments when she has a belly full of pish. some logs when seasoned just wont split, green hart and mahogany being the worst. with that log spliter you have i would hazared a guess your not bringing the head of the axe down in a true upright manner, this will cause a bounce. WARNING; if the head of the spliting axe isnt hardend, hitting it with a lump hammer will cause it to shatter and worse still, a shard of flying metal will easerly blind you. maybe your just not man enough to weild such a fine looking choppe
  11. out again today to check the squirrel traps and again i took the air rifle. as i was milling around the orchid i saw two squirrels squabaling with each other. i crept into range and droped one of the protaganists, the other taking to the trees. Now this is where things got a little inventive so to speak. The pair were arguing over teritory most possibly so i used this to my advantage. I have seen their body posturing many times before so i arranged the dead squirrel as best i could to replicate this, upright with tail held aloft and close to the back. I then moved to a comfortable range and
  12. FECK PUTTING MY HANDS ANYWHERE NEAR A LIVE SQUERRELS HEAD, AND TEETH combs or a thing called "" the lesser known lump of lead" humane quick clean JOB DONE
  13. mole catcher


    Hello tomo, you have answered your own questions, clove hitch and rubber bands both top and bottom and if you leave the foot line slack you can push the peg in as deep as you wish.
  14. just my 2 pence worth on the subject of poles. With nearly 30yrs of longnetting experiance i have yet to find a peg as userble or reliable as either the 2 main options we have today, hazle and fiberglass. Hazle is free and if you shop around the fiberglass poles arnt as expevsive as you may think. Look at longnetting as you would say air rifle shooting, why spend all that time and effort in learning your field craft only to find your kit lets you down. Its a bit like having a 400pound Air Arms S410 with a 10pound scope from Ching Sing on top, you wouldnt do it, would you? longnetting is t
  15. if there not on my old posts i must have deleated them, sorry. Give me a few days and i will pm you a few pics with measurments and all you need to build your own.
  16. if you look back in the pest control section i think you will see all the details in a thread i put up about mink traps. LL i dont bother with covering the floor as they enter freely as it is, its all about compertition for food and when theres as many as there is in this orchid their bellys over rule their brains. TOMO, i havnt seen a vid on this but i have seen in done in the past when i was a kid, like you said, it works very well
  17. A change from the moles today, a go at the squirrels. I will be using home made cage traps as i have all my mk4s and tunnels out on other jobs, rats mostly. before i sited the traps i had a mooch with the air rifle just to have a look and get a feel for where they were most active within the 40acre cherry orchid. It was worth taking the air rifle just in case a target showed itself. It did, twice. The good thing with traps is they are working 24/7 and seeing as i will be back and forth each day i will again take the air rifle with me, just in case. Like i said the traps are home made, th
  18. Ive lost your pm with your user name on it but just to let you know i have recieved payment for the basket and will post it asap. please send me a pm regards Molecatcher
  19. Planting windmills to scare off moles, never heard or seen that one before next you will be telling me that tea bags soaked in jeyes fluid also works?
  20. get it off your chest mate, its good to talk classic case of the new comers having a totaly un realistic view of what life in the country is all about. it all seems a case of most being of the NIMBY sett im afraid. Hell, i like them, better than any modern art thats for sure
  21. Here in east Anglia we have a history of windmills, there spread all over our countys of Norfolk and suffolk. In my eyes they are a thing of real beauty. Just look at this one here on my door step and when you think that we are trying to find a real allterative to fossel fuels and nuclear power i often wonder why so many object to the modern version below both old and new seem to find a place in this modern world, neither being the blot on our landscape that some seem to suggest. I was just wondering what other members views are on our modern windmills?
  22. FELLAS if this is a genuine hand made long net of 100yrds and made from braid and hes asking ONLY 100 POUND I WOULD SNATCH HIS ARM OFF AS THAT IS A 1/4 OF ITS TRUE VALUE. someones going to get a bargain
  23. net needles for sale from as little as 1.50 each depending on quantity ordered. These are top quality and have no moulding spru attached to snag on your twines. sizes range from 4inch upto 10inch. a size to suit all types of twine. Please pm me if interested yours in sport Molecatcher
  24. If it was a simple division of 30 divided by 5 it would be 6. but seeing as were dealing with a governing factor of MPH first you have to find the value of distance traveled within that time frame, which in this case would be 10miles (10mph) and seeing as your time of travel was 30mins and you traveled only 5miles. if you look you will see the time spent traveling is halved as is the distance traveled so the goverening factor of mph stays the same. so in answer to your question you were traveling at 10mph. SNOOPs, why?
  25. how the feck does this work? god help anything other than a rabbit that gets in the way, thats if this is genuine
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