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mole catcher

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Everything posted by mole catcher

  1. Is that you the - "Ferretingkid"??? nope its me molecatcher, its not a wind up DDD. check your pm
  2. i had a visit from simon smith, you know the one, the well know dog man from down south. i can honestly say if you have to wait to get on the running field to see that theres something wrong with your dog, ie a trapped nerve then its to late. just being there and letting the dog run in a way to show you its got a problem is causing it more harm. doesnt anyone spend time on a pre night out massage and check? doing this will hopefully show signs of any thing a miss rather than only when the dog pulls up, thus causing more probs?
  3. fare comment but when you said you thought she was dead by the way she hit the stump can only meen she took a good whallop. i once saw a dog twist awkwardly whilst picking up a rabbit, she yellped, but she showed no outward signs of injury to the chap who owned her, because of adrenalin in her system she wanted to carry on running. It wasnt untill the following day she could hardly walk and i was called to run the chap and his dog to the vets that an xray showed a fracture in her wrist. ok the damage was done but how much worse was it made by not taking her home when it happened?
  4. regarding the feeding milk to nursing jills it was me that said on rabbiters that i feed a porridge mix of dry ferret food soaked in a little warm kitten milk. this wasnt said as a diet change to a meat diet but as a help to wean the kits onto solids. and yes i have read each and everyones opinions on the whys and why nots of doing it. I would like to add that i have kept ferrets for well over 20yrs and have done the porridge bit for all of the litters i have kept and reared, this amouts to well over 100 kits and i can honestly say i have not had or seen any ill effects of doing it. it
  5. not being funny but on the occasions any of my dogs have taken a whallop its home i go. reason for this is im sure you know a dog can after a knock run on adrenilin without showing the true signs of an injury. better to be safe than sorry i find.
  6. easy way to get a copper round this way is to go out and point your lurcher at a Hare, they send the whole squad compleat with an rspca officer to make sure you dogs in fine health, a group of coppers to help you get into the van (please mind your head sir) and they even get you your own hellcopter to light the way for you in case you get lost leaving the field. OH,,,,, and then theres that realy nice B&B that they put you up in for the night, so when you get home to your wife who they have scared the living shits out of by telling her your going to prison for this. And we must not forget
  7. whats wrong with not wanting your dogs to jump? mine do but i cringe each and every time they choose to do it on the lamp, wish they wouldnt. day time on command is ideal as and when needed but to blindly jump on the lamp is and has been the end to many a lamping dog.
  8. all this from a comment made about a game of football?????????? god help us. oh best not use the word god, may offend those of a disbelieving or ethnic minority.
  9. best i shut my hole then. i thought the point of an open forum was to discuss, im sorry if my lines of thought were seen as in an way questioning.
  10. so under any number of the laws and regulations (maybe the traps approval order was the wrong one to quote) that state that a trap should be set in this way or that and set in the way in which is was intended, doesnt using a trap designed to be used underground on the surface contravien some then? if so wouldnt a prosicution no matter how small the chances be likely? wasnt this prooved last year when a keeper at sandringham used a mk4 fen around a feed hopper and caught an owl, wasnt he charged with the offence of using a trap in an illegal manner? ie not covered. and if the crown
  11. wells thats torn it, having a lovely day in the sun making nets, popped in for a cuppa and feeling good with the world and just read this............ someone pass me a sharp knife please, i need to slit my wrists
  12. the old boy who tought me the values of field craft was still activley poaching at 74 till a stroke saw him spending the last yr of his life in hospital. a true gent and like sporting shooter has just said, with each of the old schools passing the hunting world becomes a far cry from what it once was.
  13. I found his articles and books a great read as i was growing up and still do to this day. '' Where ever your ramblings and mooching have taken you , may they be the most beautifull of places you have yet to explore'
  14. some of us have no choice but to work alone. as for the chewed nets i find i suffer no worse than the next man who works in a team. using fieldcraft (being quiet and going steady and not rushing) i find i tend not to push the rabbits in towards the nets till im ready. Damaged nets is a thing us netters have to deal with, end of, part of the game
  15. QUOTE'' Who stole the jam out of your doughnut?''UNQUOTE Tommy from snatch As we have said many times before Crow, it should have been called the convieniant set net, not the quick set as its making some of those who buy it concentrate on speed rather the finer points of the method. when you say the endpin method doesnt take that much practise i beg to differ on that one. anyone can walk the net out and back peg as most of the dvds show you, but just how many can actually single handed set the net as they go using the endpins in the pitch black? not as many as we are lead to belie
  16. yes Woz, The art of long netting by H Wyman will show you the basics, sadly in yrs past most netters kept things to themselves so when they died their methods died with them. Untill i get my arse up to see you just keep at it
  17. you will go to hell for asking a question like that one Woz well buddy you know my thoughts on the subject and to get this debate rolling i will be bold enough(or stupid) to put my head on the longnet chopping block. The skill needed to set a net rigged on endpins is a hard learnt skill but once learnt its no harder than riding a bike. the basket system has opened up long netting to those who want a quick fix solution to a method. IN MY OWN OPINION i feel the skills of the old time long netter will be lost the more that folk use the basket. And yes i know its called moving with the ti
  18. Thats a term i havnt heard being used for a long while now, last time was whilst working in a rigging shed and an old timer used it
  19. I see, all is becoming cristal clear regards MC
  20. I cant get my head round this comment Surely seeing as the scope is held at a set postion in relation to the scope, does it not make sence that this position is still the same regardless of standing kneeling or shooting off a rest. I know with springers its not due to the recoil. if im wrong could someone explain it to me.
  21. I cant see a dog, to busy looking at the woman
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