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mole catcher

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Everything posted by mole catcher

  1. what gun is if for as i have one going cheap but need to know if its big enough for your gun
  2. you may want to edit your post, just in case some jobs worth is taking notes
  3. what size boilies does it make? cheers MC
  4. this mix works for me soya flour egg powder sweetner 4eggs flavourings pinch of hand granade that works a treat, gets them right up on the surface
  5. dont mention boilies near my wife buddy, shes no amused with me after yesterday and my boilie making. a very cheap base mix is soya flour, 39p a lb from weigh and save, milk powder, 45p a lb, egg albumin 1.89a 1/4(makes about 10kg) 4 eggs and then get creative with the flavours, yesterdays efforts were chocolat and caramel cream and tomorows will be .............
  6. yellow nets are nothing new buddy, been using them for yrs, same with using the green back in the 80s when most were using white, or is that the other way round? hell i dont know, never have been a follower of fashion
  7. just get out and try it at night, thats the best way to see how much learning you need to do. It sounds harsh but in my opinion thats the only way to learn, treat it as on the job training.
  8. 9 shaped purse nets in YELLOW the reason theres only 9 is there what was made from the end of a spool and im awaiting some more. £25 posted within the UK braided direct on to heavy 10gage rings 3ft 6inch shaped nets on best quality draw cords regards MC
  9. sold pending the normal but i will keep hold of those who asked detials in case it doesnt go
  10. curry? when i say curry i realy mean a curry pot noodle like There has been a lot of interest in this stand and like ive said to the gent who phoned me this morning, first come first serve and any one wishing more details plese contact me.
  11. dont know why but that has just had me pissing myself with laughter
  12. sadly theres no known barbel in these rivers. up the road about an hour there is but thats a differant river all together, the two dont merge. these are the swims at sunset the other night whilst baiting up
  13. 100% BAGGING= if for example the working length of a net is 50yrds (that meens a net when set is 50yrds long)it should have spread along these 50yrd running lines 100yrds of netting(100%bagging) WHY WORK A 50YRD NET AT 38YRDS? it is common pratice for some shops to sell their nets with less than 100% bagging on them as this saves them money. so the buyer then has to shorten the running lines (the nets working length) to 38yrds to give it anywhere near enough bagging (100%bagging) hope this helps
  14. cracking looking fish those, not long now till the seasn starts on the river for me. im off up the river tonight in the canoe to add yet more free bees. good those carp can eat, or is it the bream?
  15. Thanks mole catcher!! Ive just spat tea all over my screen!! sorry
  16. leave the little shit where he is to ponder his worth, thats what i say
  17. you can still get it but at a hell of a higher price than such to work out at £27 per 10 nets as hes selling
  18. im on my way down now, see you for tea
  19. not wanting to be rude but if thats the case your not qualified with enough experiance to do it for payment, sorry
  20. Ive just had a look on his site, hes selling 10 hemp nets for £27. thats £2.70 each THERE IS NO WAY AS LONG AS I HAVE A HOLE IN MY ARSE THAT THOSE SO CALLED HEMP NETS ARE MADE FROM HEMP, ITS SISAL OR FLAX. now to everyone who has bought those lovely 100% garenteed hemp nets of him i suggest you do this. grab hold of them, put them up to your nose and have a bloody good sniff, do they smell like deisel? if so its flax/sisal, does it smell of pepper and such like? its hemp NOW TRY THIS have a look at this pic of his spool of hemp, enlarge it and look at those wooly fib
  21. pigs and people must be able to inter breed, i meen take a look at Jade Goody
  22. what tennis nets?? 'New balls please sir'
  23. round here in suffolk i often see what it is your discribing, its nothing more than a leverit that hasnt got its black tip colour yet. i see them almost daily this time of the year. there about the size of a young rabbit but alot more gangly in there movement as well as longer legged. so no you havnt seen a new breed of running machine and no they cant cross breed.
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