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Everything posted by micheal

  1. i thought i was going to see geoff fletcher there lol, he recons hes good at everything else
  2. there has to be more to it
  3. what are people saying here,whin single handed and a few others????? was this competion fixed??????????
  4. Hope thats you bein sarcastic!!. I have no problem with you whatsoever. You come to mine anytime you want thers a place in kennel for the dog an a bed for you. We will go out a few nights on the trot an ill show you how to find stuff when its not in the place you want it to be. An all this about shootin dogs an goin to jail, sounds like you got abit of a squeeky bum we where lampin rabbits dan Tresspassin is the crime you would be commiting. Couple ££fine nothin more. Everythin i have said is the truth. You new i wernt happy an you was to set in your ways.. Anyway let me no when money has to
  5. sorry i didnt know you had to pay 50 pound, thats not good is this ther 2nd or 3rd year it has been run "Micheal", you know EXACTLY how much it is to enter, and you know EXACTLY how long it has been going........ well if i did i wouldnt ask would i?
  6. sorry i didnt know you had to pay 50 pound, thats not good is this ther 2nd or 3rd year it has been run
  7. come on fellas dont ruin it, the competion has been poor very poor,Cant say there is no rabbits around as other lads posting big numbers on there permission what has gone wrong this year??
  8. hi, its like you knew something when you put this topic up i was hoping to read some good encounters in this competion but for some reason its just been very poor reading.
  9. its a shame moo has been let down so badly, well hope next year is better
  10. hi. iam in belfast the week prior this show at a conferance,is this a good show is there a decent turn out??? do many people across the water turn up to this
  11. i will be there,looking forward to this one me and the wife have a bit of time of around this day to use up
  12. wait, not long ago they where trying to take lurchers of people which the authorities beleave to be heavy saturated in bull, well what i should say is pit bull, so why can they not do the same with saturated saluki xs which they beleave are used in the art of poaching All iam saying is i dont think they will be as populer over the next 10 yrs as they where the last 10.
  13. compleate rubbish we will see already lads caught poaching rabbits do not loose there dogs, lads caught hare coursing do loose there dogs
  14. my honest oppinion, well i think they will become like pit bulls a band breed, ok your 1st oppinion is we will tell em there collie xs like pitbull x owners say there stafy xs but now we might be seeing a ban on staffs,what is the point of owning a dog that is used for something that is illegal, iam sure it will start being very persistant on anything to do with hares deer and thing that bite back after the general election, so lads be aware
  15. well here i find a typical answer for a hunting forum member, pre ban many lad had good dogs,they no need to hang around at the local show in groups telling people how good there dogs where, they hunted on there own and sometimes with 1 other reliable source,this be earth work and lurcher work, men used to beleave a bitch deserves 1 litter especally if shes tried and tested..... sometimes he would only want 1 pup and there could be anywhere upto 12 pups in the litter, ok yes them days some would see the bucket but why when they could of been sold as the sport was a true working ma
  16. i wouldnt say this normally, ..........but flushing on permision is NOT looked upon as the same as badger baiting and dog fighting even if you have permision to dig badgers which is illegal in its self and your dog fighting in your own garage,lets not put silly replys like that up, The authoritys are clamping down on hare coursing but please look more at how and who they are clamping down on,????? people who have permision carry a gun and chase or should we mean flush the odd hare will not come to a lot of harm, people who lamp them esp from motors with no permision will have the book thro
  17. nowadays,lol. ......listen ive never had agood honest read from the mag!! its not a terrible read but dont ever put that magazine honest and writers in the same category
  18. It is in times like this that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.... so vote conservative
  19. i do like the countrymans weekly,i suppose because i do a bit of shooting these days as well, it has a mixed bag terrier lurcher and shooting with the old hound pack article as well, and look at the offers its always got, where else can you buy warraner products from!!!!!
  20. its hard to do anything,i got took for £35 on here as well but hes now gone on to be someone else and do it again
  21. very nice pup that in tip top condition,
  22. iam sure the rspca are just doing there job,if you nothing to hide let them look ...........iam sure they wont bother you again if all well
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