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Everything posted by kiwi

  1. yeah well the term HPR is also an english term as well............ versatile gundog/hunting dog is what they are classed as. my dogs retrieve as well as any labrador but i would hate to see them branded as german wirehaired retrievers
  2. they are so much more than just pointers, they deserve to be called by thier proper name of german wirehair.......you english added the pointer bit to it's name...... just having a rant mate
  3. use the term wirehair.............just sounds wrong refering to them as pointers
  4. when on the lead does he pull at all?
  5. yep i use mine for deer and the odd pig nice dog tiercel..........mustwork ?
  6. dummies,bumpers or dead birds, animals. getting a mate to do the throwing will help alot and be good for distance at a later date.
  7. you can use the time doing retrieving training to enforce your control over your dog, it helps with the steadyness training needed when you have her on point or when she won't sit to flush, here's a vid , i'm actually in the process of fixing the blackdog not the bitch.
  8. 1- put dog into sit mode 2- tell dog to stay 3- throw dummy or ball 4- allow time for dog to mark fall 5- send dog to retrieve with the command eg 'fetch' 6-accept the retrieve to hand. this is the normal routine.........at 20 months your gsp should be well past this stage and be picking up anything she is told to retrieve, bird, bumper etc. if she is not 100% in those 6 steps return to the basics starting at 'sit'.
  9. only age can cure overconfidence but give me this type of pup over one that sticks his toe in to check the temp anyday, you will find the overconfident pup also attacks cover the same way.......if you worried too much about hazzards like submerged rocks you would just stay at home wouldn't ya
  10. i use a pups desire to enter as a gauge to how my breeding is going, i like a high drive in the water department and breed for it pup at 4 mths the last litter was like this.
  11. sounds like it's more a case of not putting one and one together. get her to sit, they stay then throw tennis ball then tell her to fetch, you want her to 'fetch' on command so she understands it first. mix it up with dummies and bumpers. tennis balls with game scent on them work well for young pups, sounds like you a training in a game of chase the ball not actual retrieve work.
  12. cute pup.....don't look like a pointer though............gsp or gwp ?
  13. first up try add avoid the word pointer when you talk hpr's..... gwp's are docked for a reason to avoid tail damage the same as a spaniel.
  14. watching it at the moment...crufts shame i missed the gundog demo's. and well done to the mustwork kennel , lisa and kids seem to be have a habit of doing well at this event.
  15. for the odd bit of rough shooting the english pointer is overkill, bit like using a top racehorse for kids rides at the beach. they belong in the job they were bred for not in a spaniel role.
  16. i'd get a spaniel myself. if you want a dog for walked up as well a hpr breed can do both roles just pick the type of hpr to suit as not all of them are the same, i use my gwp's on the beating line and they get alot of fun out of it playing spaniels and labs....they are also the first dogs the game keeper asks for dogging in and on finding lost clipped birds, much to the lab owners disgust i do enjoy watching a well trained springer however, such busy little workers.
  17. perhaps once he is out of velvet and in full rutting mode the neck will show he is in fact a real stag
  18. hell yeah give me the cheeky little halfback over the prop any day ebt despite all the guts and glory are vet bills on legs
  19. hpr's simply do away with having a retriever to do the picking up. the different breeds of hpr's will play a huge part in hunting the moors, they all have diffent strengths. the trials world has seen the hpr breeds change in this country.
  20. get the recall and sitting and stay ingrained 100% then progress to dead game after he is steady on dummies and handsignals which is next. donnot start hunting him til he is retrieving to hand and has a concrete stop and recall.
  21. i cut the meaty bits off them and rub a little salt in them, dry them in the shed or keep a big bag of fresh wings in the freezer.
  22. best dog i ever owned was a foxy, from mice to red stag he done it all. he had no fear and many hundreds of possums found that out by ending up scragged to bits. after he died i owned kc reg foxterriers and they didn't lack any thing in the guts department. the german jagd terrier is about as close you would get to the proper working fox terrier, it being keep to a high working standard through selected breeding. smooth,wire and the old black and tan being the foundation stock.
  23. is the teckel society the crowd that allows cross breeding ?
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