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Everything posted by kiwi

  1. brittney spaniel.........best of both worlds
  2. that would have to be coming from a non vizsla owner..... do that and you will end up with a ruined dog.
  3. i'd have to disagree with the range comment as my dogs are quite happy to keep within spaniel casting distance all day, and if need be a meter away for deer, a true hpr needs something that seems to be overlooked in many breeding programmes...... a gearbox. far too many ill bred gwps have been bred to run and don't have the inbuilt gearbox to change to the conditions. they were never meant to keep up with pointers and setters.
  4. versatile dogs don't always share the strong inbuilt desire to retrieve as much as a lab or spaniel. some have an easy road becoming reliable but alot need the training to become bring out the best. most european bred shorthairs are force fetched trained the same as the wirehairs.
  5. google force fetch and find a training programme that you can follow with your dog.
  6. you need to know the grandparents and great grandparents to get a clear idea on the results, b/w to b/w will give you a strong line of mainly b/w pups for generations for instance.
  7. i've had great work from my gwp's and stand by the breed, without getting too roped into a dd/gwp debate though i will state the german drahthaar is the cream of the crop when looking at wirehairs, if you can't get a drahthaar then a gwp with drahthaar blood is still a sound bet over a showbred or hot running trials bred gwp, mustwork, truvand,bareve and kimmax will be the first port of call when looking for a pup. i know a litter has recently been whelped in the uk by a bitch similar to my own bitch with the same lines and over a proven czech sire ken vospet who is a DD and he has produced a
  8. drahthaar every time if you have the choice, i've just got my hands on one here and the quality is far better than i could have ever imagined.
  9. they are for women.......real men use benelli's
  10. used to read alot of his stuff........ he calls a spade a spade and has a huge knowledge of all dogs, he is one of those writers that can translate the hyped up bullshit that gets banded around as breed folk law.
  11. i would be looking at the quality of the falconry bitch myself, i tend to look harder at the bitch than the dog. the baltic stock seems to be more birdy than most, getting them to a high standard of training as with any breed does take time as ya know but i don't think it's any longer than say a spaniel, alot depends on the pup you chose of course
  12. fair enough comments mate, how ever i disagree with the comments about them being slow to mature. get a good one from non trialing lines, eg one with german breeding and they have no issues with them being like hairy gsp's. my own dogs are out there doing it at 9 mths and by 2 are seasoned gundogs that just on with the job.
  13. i'm so glad i'm a new zealander..........we also have about about 6 hunting programes on weekly too http://tvnz.co.nz/national-news/the-great-...6-2637074/video
  14. as a died in the wool pighunter with a passion for crossbred dogs for that purpose and a gwp breeder, in fact the only working gwp kennel in this country i can honestly ask why ? is the labrador so bad in the uk that it needs to crossed to get a keepers dog,and what happened to the curly coat gwp's as a rule don't cross well, and crossing them with labs, well known to be arseholes for fighting will give you an even bigger problem with some of the offspring...... those keepers arn't doing both breeds any favors. there are some very good lines of gwp in the uk, well suited to keepers dogs
  15. if you have a hackering for a gwp mate get one...........your other choices are a lab and a springer as stated, labs are easy to train, but boring, springers require as much training as an hpr , a gwp from good stable lines is an ideal starter hpr, they don't run as hard and fast as a gsp and are very trainable.
  16. i know the guy from high country kennels, his dogs are very tightly bred. i looked into bringing in some airedales for pighunting but for the expence i would have prefered to have a papered dog, the jagd terriers are something i'm looking at now.
  17. pity, be nice if they carried a paper trial..........
  18. do these dogs come with a pedigree ?? are they registered with any kennel club ?
  19. drahthaar or gwp from good lines.
  20. kiwi

    Swine Flu

    i rang the swine flu hotline.......all i got was crackling
  21. it is not a case of teaching more a case of instinct as far as pointing goes, they don't need to be taught. they will still work feather after playing with pigs
  22. Australia/New Zealand been shipping lamb to Europe for years. No need for it, plenty of lamb produced in Europe itself And it's better quality :tongue2: :tongue2: i guess ya foot and mouth outbreaks and mad cow diease must add alot more flavor to the meat.. the meat from downunder feed you guys for two world wars and while you now support ya mates in europe spare a thought for those countries that still have your flag in the corner of there own
  23. Hey John - is that our Tesco from Britain going over there buying lamb to import back here? Surely it would be more in their line to buy British and support the local economy and give the local farmers/processors a decent living? Or maybe that is a different rant/thread altogether, anyway....? On the subject of sheepdogs 'down under', I remember seeing on TV how the dogs - Kelpie types - run along on top of the backs of the sheep as they move through move through the pens. It must be great to have dogs helping to move thousands of sheep around like that, it's hard to imagine how they wo
  24. feel free to jump on a plane and join them again possumhunter 11 years here and ya still miss ya fellow countryman ..............welcome to the site.
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