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Everything posted by kiwi

  1. yeah pat pits have been know to turn on their owner in the heat of battle and other dogs even after the pig is all dead and they are still fired up. to be honest i don't rate them as a pig dog but they are common as a cross breed and pure. and yes the wild pig is not a european boar reload. but after coming to new zealand in 1776 the pig soon breed itself back to it's wild ancester and thats what we have running around our bush today, in fact the young of our pigs are striped just like the wild boar and apart from size, although we do get them over 300lb they are still a formidable foe for any
  2. yeah they have a bad name in sheep country, when the pig numbers are high and tucker is short some become lamb killers due to them eating all the after births and dead lambs lying around some pigs learn to catch and kill young lambs and sick sheep. the wild pig is one of the best rabbiters alive once they learn how to dig them up. we once dragged a dead horse up to the bush line and it was all gone in a week, they like eating meat. the more rotten the better.
  3. http://www.monteriaboarhunts.co.nz or you can try our site from new zealand less fighting and bitching on this site and we hunt on foot not like our aussie mates who tend to drive around alot. our climate and terrain is alot harsher than aussie and we run different types of dogs to cope with it.
  4. we use lurcher type dogs in nz for wild pigs and they do a very good job although they tend to only bail the larger pigs so using a firearm would be advisable, unless you run a pair of hard holders. any more than four dogs on a boar means the chance of dog injury is greatly increased.
  5. yes we have the nzda, new zealand deer stalkers asst, and about thirty pighunting clubs throughout the country and fish n game which manage the trout and gamebird resources, there are whippit clubs and various other local small game and elk and whitetail clubs. in a country that has about 4 million we have over 400,000 fire arms users.
  6. yes have been there too and i agree they have a awesome aproach to game management and hunting, similar to nz in alot of ways.but not all states are pro hunting dog eg being used on deer. the worlds getting a smaller place even in our little corner, the hunting sports in nz and aussie is in decline due in part to kids prefering the ps2 world rather than the outdoors and to a changing population, in this country the population now has a huge growth of asian and african pple who have no respect for our outdoors and way of life. we are not as bad as australia though. them poor buggers have had it
  7. our head of state the queen is pro hunting but they still banned it in the uk.
  8. didn't mean to sound too much like an arse hole, i don't think our dogs are any better than the ones you guys are using at all,ok maybe our sheep dogs are lol , in fact i am bloody impressed with the lurchers and running dogs you guys are able to produce with everything like the anti's and limited hunting land to hunt over. for the game that you guys have the lurcher is in good hands, pictures of goats don't do much for me when i see a dog posing with it thats all, i know first hand the story behind the "trophy" and it's something the anti's would love to have. they love to have the bloody bi
  9. hunting goats with dogs is bloody cruel guys, if they have to be controlled use a firearm. they are alot easier to catch than rabbits and even the large billies don't last long after a dog has mauled it to death, sure the billy might get a few head butts in but the dog will always come out on top. after you have heard the scream of a caught goat a few times it makes any normal hunter a bit sick, most pigdogs over here are shot for catching goats and in my opinion no dog can be used for catching both pigs and deer/goats. as for deer there are a few guys over here that are running packs of grey
  10. thats a hog, not a wild pig or wild boar. they are different
  11. just shoot them in the head, ya can usallay find the hind legs lol. the bright red stain on the ground is a good place to start looking. always been taught to use [bANNED TEXT] ever gun you have on hand, as i hand load it's good to blast bunnies with deer calibers and good pratice. wild cats are a huge problem over here and you get alot of satisfaction when you give them a 150grain ticket out.
  12. i know all about the treble two, millions of red deer have been shot out of choppers here with it and it does kill out of proportion to it's size, so long as the range is not to far, it loses energy pretty quick after 200 meters. used a sako vixen for years. i have used and discarded the 270 as i could never get the bloody thing to shoot, even with homeloads. i have shot some good stags with ballistic tips and heaps of fallow and found it to jelly the fore quaters or pass right through depending on the range. i use a 30/30, 2506 and 3006 good for every thing from rabbits to red stag.
  13. nice looking dog, my mate had one with out the wire coat, very good nose on the bugger sold him to a possum trapper who shot him by mistake while he was bailing a boar 270 is a bit over kill on them little roe, or do you load it down for the job?
  14. we skin ours as soon as they are stiff, helps the carcase cool down fallow only needs a few days reds need a week, do you hunt with a wire haired vizla and use a 270 win, wireviz270?????
  15. those roe buck are awesome, are they common in the uk? [bANNED TEXT] cal is ya ruger mate
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